nothing much happened this was a very typical weekend...haha well, this week's youth group game was much more entertaining, so that was fun~ saturday was easter practice...i better start practicing like crazy...half of the stuff i was playing was improvisation and usually that'd be good, but this time she actually wants me to follow the music...which means i've actually gotta learn everything...haha AND if Chuck's coming (and singing that one song) it means i've gotta get it right, or else he's gonna bite my head off (HE CAN PLAY THE SONG HIMSELF LAH! haha) then we went to firebirds for yee's pseudo-birthday party...haha it was fun...i think the after party was more interesting tho...gotta spend time with my girls (minus kathy, but that's typical) and was in, we just took a lot of pictures with anything we can find....hahaha....then sunday, i taught sunday school, and promised my class if they memorize all 9 verses from the 2 months i taught, they would get eegee's (including refills) and half a big cookie from eegee's! they were all amazing and did it! so proud of them! then the yg kids wanted some too, so i made them memorize a verse before getting a cup...and TONY FAILED...HORRIBLY! hahaha...
been procrastinating so much ever since i got back from the cali trip...just absolutely no motivation to do anything...AT i haven't done homework allnight...instead i've been playing tetris or pictionary with yg/ohio kids....haha it's alright tho...i'll get started as soon as i finish writing this...i think, maybe i'll write in my journal after this....haha -shrug- i'm so sad my mommy's gonna be gone for 3 whole weeks...every time i'm driving home alone from wherever, i get all depressed and wish i could call her...but i can't cause she's so faraway (tracy, start singing) and the time difference...-sigh- you guys should try and keep me entertained a lot a lot...x) ok onto some exciting stats homework!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
mmmm, i love being the baby of the family...lemme rephrase...i love being a baby GIRL in the family! my eye has not gotten better, so i didn't wanna wear contacts to school, which means i have to wear glasses, which are not strong enough, which means i can't drive to school, so my mommy drove me to school super early because i had to go make up a gov quiz...and they picked me up 30min later because i had to make up an eng test...=______= so the day began pretty crappy because of all the make up stuff i had to do, the painful left eye, and the random bug bite that i found when i got on the car that slowly got bigger as the day began...HOWEVER, i took an hr nap in bio, because Woon was gone and the sub didn't care what we were i just decided to take a long, nice, refreshing nap! haha....ANYWAYS, onto the best part of today, after school, my mom wanted to go to the mall because she wanted to get a new purse before leaving (more on that later) but she didn't find anything she liked, so she's like "you wanna shop for anything?" and at first i was so tired that i really just wanted to go home....but because two weeks ago, when i had that empty friday, i went shopping all by myself and suddenly discovered a love for the overpriced clothing at Abercrombie and i told her to go there with me...and i showed her all the stuff that i really liked...and she said "buy it." i was like "REALLY?!" she's like "yeah, go ahead, buy it, you'll need these when you move anyways" i was trying to be a good little girl, so i only grabbed 2 pieces of clothing...and she's like, why not get more colors? so she bought me a total of 3 sweaters and 2 price was nearly $100...@_@ (but do realize that the original prices on them were CRAZY, 2 pieces of clothing would've been OVER $100) so it made me super happy...haha yes, i can be bought. =P
my mother is [supposedly] leaving for Guangzhou, China go to a factory to do ministery stuff (ministery stuff sounds like harry potter...hahaha) and hosting a special Easter event there...i didn't really mind her going, because 1) i thought i would be in OH 2) i knew about it for a long time...but then when i heard she was going to be gone for 3 whole weeks, i was like O_O...BUT, there's been so much trouble with her ticketing, she hasn't even gotten her actual tickets yet...haha i dunno, i was making fun of her saying she can't go, and if she can't go, she might as well accompany me to OH (if i'm going that is....)
Whee~ i haven't decided which new shirt i'm gonna wear tomorrow...i guess it depends on the weather...but my mom told me to put it away after wearing ONE tomorrow, because 1) it's getting WAY warmer soon so i won't need 'em 2) save 'em for my new place of living (hey, just buy new ones right? =P) OH, their clothes smell SO nice, because i tried on their clothes, my hair was smelling like their store...haha
p.s. keep my mommy in your prayers as she steps into dangerous water!!! seriously, i'm scared for her...traveling all alone to china, doing some "sketchy", at least it's sketchy to chinars
my mother is [supposedly] leaving for Guangzhou, China go to a factory to do ministery stuff (ministery stuff sounds like harry potter...hahaha) and hosting a special Easter event there...i didn't really mind her going, because 1) i thought i would be in OH 2) i knew about it for a long time...but then when i heard she was going to be gone for 3 whole weeks, i was like O_O...BUT, there's been so much trouble with her ticketing, she hasn't even gotten her actual tickets yet...haha i dunno, i was making fun of her saying she can't go, and if she can't go, she might as well accompany me to OH (if i'm going that is....)
Whee~ i haven't decided which new shirt i'm gonna wear tomorrow...i guess it depends on the weather...but my mom told me to put it away after wearing ONE tomorrow, because 1) it's getting WAY warmer soon so i won't need 'em 2) save 'em for my new place of living (hey, just buy new ones right? =P) OH, their clothes smell SO nice, because i tried on their clothes, my hair was smelling like their store...haha
p.s. keep my mommy in your prayers as she steps into dangerous water!!! seriously, i'm scared for her...traveling all alone to china, doing some "sketchy", at least it's sketchy to chinars
Fanest Buddy
hahaha, there are so many reasons why ahBin is one of my favorite people in the whole even though this might not be at all funny to still made me smile...the random things he says are just hilarious~
so i showed him this picture:
i tell him the blood veins in my eyes popped so i look like that...but that was one of the better nights...and he asks: "你的眼睛还能看到的吗?" (Can you still see?) ahahahaha, just thought that was so funny, who even says that? so i told him "i'm not going blind!" and he responds: "在不久红色就会变成黑色!你整个眼睛就黑到完了!!就看不到了" (soon, the red will turn black, then your whole eye will be black!) wow, seriously ahBin? can't wait to see you in person and 烦死你!
so i showed him this picture:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
gahhhh! i've been "discussing" (angry discussion...haha) with my parents since last night about my trip to Ohio during spring break...this trip was promised since my return in the winter...they said as long as i finished everything (college stuff) before march, i would be rewarded a trip to OH...i finished everything by Feb! and it's not that they're not giving me this trip, but because they had delayed the ticketing process, my mom's free tickets are not available for the departure flights, only available for the return then they said to go search for a cheap i did...i found one for $130+tax last night...but today the cheapest is $170+tax...and i told them that i wouldn't mind paying for the ticket too! but they don't want me to go...they say that we'll be traveling a lot soon...which doesn't even make sense because we'll only be traveling once more in the summer...which is a trip that was also planned forever ago! (i'm also realizing that this post isn't really making sense, i'm really just ranting) bah! i can't make a decision, they say it's really up to me...but like the way they're putting it is pretty much a NO. i dunno, i've been planning/promised this trip for so long, PLUS, i wanna go visit Calvin! it's been bumped up on my college list and i really wanna go see it...roar. i don't know. sigh. T.t
Monday, March 23, 2009
Praise Jesus!
(tracy, i like how you expect me to write a detailed version of the trip...)
i give you permission to skip everything till everything after Saturday
thursday: left tucson around 845am...super long car ride...i only slept for barely 3hrs the night before, and since my dad was the only driver for our van, my mom specifically told me to keep him occupied so he'd stay i tried talking to him most of the time...when i fell asleep, he woke me up to help him work the GPS, Hao Nian Dang for dinner, yum! then i took the girls to Ten Ren's...because we were in the area where i'm actually pretty familiar with...they fell in love with the buttermilk toast i ordered for them! haha, drove another like 2hrs to get to our Residence Inn Marriott which we somehow beat Tim shushu...hahaha! then around 11pm was when Winston was gonna get to the when we saw through the room window that he arrived, we all hid in the room, turn off the lights, and i stood by the door ready to open it...when we opened it, turned on the lights, everyone sang Happy Birthday...when it's not his birthday...then i said Merry christmas! and kathy said happy new year! yup, we're a weird bunch...chilled around, slept...(it took us 12hrs to get to thousand oaks...@_@)
friday: up at 830, devos, breakfast, practice - went out with dad to do copies, buy lunch, and get random stuff -, lunch, practice, dinner, hotel, yg, pinkberry, hotel - chilled, talked, goofed, slept. oh, around dinner time, my eye decided to burst into blood...not literally, but my entire eye was was SO nasty...haha such a great way to meet people at yg, "hi i'm jocelyn, with the nasty left eye!"
saturday: up at 730, devos, went back to bed because i felt like poop - i was so sick, i had no voice left in me, woke up at 845, went to church, did full rehersal without a voice...lan fong ah yi was like "can you do it tonight?!" i was like -in a whispering, raspy voice- "yeah no problem, i have faith that i'll be alright, it's just spiritual warfare", went out with dad to get meds and lunch, went back to hotel to rest/change, went to CCCTO for the praise night!
Praise Night: PRAISE JESUS! the voice...or rather, the lack of voice i had earlier that day was SO bad...i could not make any sound come out, and being the one that's supposed to start off praise night...not a good thing at all, and even 5min before it was supposed to start i was eating like 3 Halls...and still squeaking...but the moment i stood on stage and said "hey, welcome to praise night!" my voice was perfectly fine!!! it was amazing! God is so good! He healed the mute! was amazing, i was able to sing the songs, i was able to shout the "commands" everything was good, at the end of the night the girls were in shock of how loud i was able to talk...the Praise Night turned out really well, i don't know how it was for the people, but it definitely was a good learning experience for us! Praise God, though we tend to make mistakes, He is good and always there to catch us! (12:40isham Sunday)
(4:05pm Monday) skipped school today, cause i still felt like poop, and there's too many things to catch up on...woke up at exactly 3pm...felt good, but the moment i woke up, i could feel all the sickness in from the trip i being uploaded as i type! yay!
i give you permission to skip everything till everything after Saturday
thursday: left tucson around 845am...super long car ride...i only slept for barely 3hrs the night before, and since my dad was the only driver for our van, my mom specifically told me to keep him occupied so he'd stay i tried talking to him most of the time...when i fell asleep, he woke me up to help him work the GPS, Hao Nian Dang for dinner, yum! then i took the girls to Ten Ren's...because we were in the area where i'm actually pretty familiar with...they fell in love with the buttermilk toast i ordered for them! haha, drove another like 2hrs to get to our Residence Inn Marriott which we somehow beat Tim shushu...hahaha! then around 11pm was when Winston was gonna get to the when we saw through the room window that he arrived, we all hid in the room, turn off the lights, and i stood by the door ready to open it...when we opened it, turned on the lights, everyone sang Happy Birthday...when it's not his birthday...then i said Merry christmas! and kathy said happy new year! yup, we're a weird bunch...chilled around, slept...(it took us 12hrs to get to thousand oaks...@_@)
friday: up at 830, devos, breakfast, practice - went out with dad to do copies, buy lunch, and get random stuff -, lunch, practice, dinner, hotel, yg, pinkberry, hotel - chilled, talked, goofed, slept. oh, around dinner time, my eye decided to burst into blood...not literally, but my entire eye was was SO nasty...haha such a great way to meet people at yg, "hi i'm jocelyn, with the nasty left eye!"
saturday: up at 730, devos, went back to bed because i felt like poop - i was so sick, i had no voice left in me, woke up at 845, went to church, did full rehersal without a voice...lan fong ah yi was like "can you do it tonight?!" i was like -in a whispering, raspy voice- "yeah no problem, i have faith that i'll be alright, it's just spiritual warfare", went out with dad to get meds and lunch, went back to hotel to rest/change, went to CCCTO for the praise night!
Praise Night: PRAISE JESUS! the voice...or rather, the lack of voice i had earlier that day was SO bad...i could not make any sound come out, and being the one that's supposed to start off praise night...not a good thing at all, and even 5min before it was supposed to start i was eating like 3 Halls...and still squeaking...but the moment i stood on stage and said "hey, welcome to praise night!" my voice was perfectly fine!!! it was amazing! God is so good! He healed the mute! was amazing, i was able to sing the songs, i was able to shout the "commands" everything was good, at the end of the night the girls were in shock of how loud i was able to talk...the Praise Night turned out really well, i don't know how it was for the people, but it definitely was a good learning experience for us! Praise God, though we tend to make mistakes, He is good and always there to catch us! (12:40isham Sunday)
(4:05pm Monday) skipped school today, cause i still felt like poop, and there's too many things to catch up on...woke up at exactly 3pm...felt good, but the moment i woke up, i could feel all the sickness in from the trip i being uploaded as i type! yay!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Nasty McNastnast
we arrived in thousand oaks, california yesterday a little before 9pm, after leaving tucson at 840am...we did a 12hr drive when it's usually an 8 hr drive...i felt so bad for my dad, he was the only driver for our car...he was so tired, and because i had to keep him awake, i couldn't sleep it was bad...haha...anyways, we didn't do much yesterday, then today we got together at 800am, did devos, breakfast, then went to church to practice, lunch, practice, dinner, youth group, pinkberry (yummy! i got kiwi, mango, and strawberry! i liked where my brother took us better tho...they had much more toppings and falvors of yogurt...haha) then finally back at hotel again...i'm so ENTIRE left eye is's SO nasty, i tired taking a few pics of it so i can post it on here...but it looks so gross that i don't want to post it....we're meeting even earlier tomorrow so i better get some sleep, or else i'm gonna be the nastiest looking...oh, who am i kidding? i'm NEVER "nasty looking!...hahaha...but yeah please pray for us! pray for the praise night! half of our worship team is sick...including myself, can't stop coughing, don't know how i'm gonna lead tomorrow, but we know that it wouldn't be a good fight if there wasn't any challenage from satan, so it's all good....BUT, keep us in your prayers and let's see God do His works tomorrow night!
p.s. we're staying at the Residence Inn Marriott...haha so nice, but i haven't taken a lot of pics this trip sooooo...ya'll will just have to wait for people to post 'em on facebook! x)
p.s. we're staying at the Residence Inn Marriott...haha so nice, but i haven't taken a lot of pics this trip sooooo...ya'll will just have to wait for people to post 'em on facebook! x)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
You Make Everything Glorious
weekend update: (all activies were done with yixuan)
friday: yg, applebee's, took jeff back(1130pm), came home(12am), chatted with yixuan(3am), guitar hero, shower(5am), ADVENTURE! (6am)
Saturday: sonic happy hour (230), practice (3pm), dinner (630pm), sonic value menu (10pm) : each got a jr candy sundae and shared a chili cheese fries, home, himym, bed.
Sunday: church, home: napped, practice (4pm), home (8pm)
so it was our third adventure this time...this time was a very successfully planned adventure tho...the first one was completely unplanned, the 2nd one was failed, super tiring adventure, then this time was awesome! the clouds made it so mysterious yet so glorious at the same time...i could not stop saying "wow, this is so awesome!" "wow, this looks so pretty!" haha seriously, although i absolutely LOVE sleeping, and would kill anyone that tries to wake me up...seeing God's beautiful creation...totally worth it~
so we leave for california tomorrow! haha, i'm really not that all...i don't feel like we're ready at all, but i guess that's also a good thing, cause then, that way we get to see God work!!! which then of course will turn out awesome...i'm so excited to be serving withalmighty Winston again! it's gonna be so exciting! cause we get to make fun of him and laughing like "hohohohoho" IN FRONT of him! hahaha...that reminds me...i needa go home and charge both my batteries for my camera...
so i haven't told anyone this yet but i'll announce it next week at youth group (since yg is canceled this week due to the trip...) but yesterday i got 3 letters from 3 different of them from, Wheaton has been my top choice for FOREVER, and after visitng it last year, i like fell in love with it, and just imagined myself going there, and i just went crazy~ ANYWAYS...i've been wait-listed at Wheaton, if i choose to first when i read the letter, i was like "i definitely want to be kept on the waiting list!" then later in the night, i decided...i don't want to much as i want to go to that school, it's obviously not part of God's plan, i mean i tried so hard...applied for early decision, got pushed to regular decision, then now on waiting list? forget that. God has a greater plan for me elsewhere. so yeah, and don't worry, i'm not at all depressed or anything, i mean, even tho i really wanted to go there, it's not the end of the world, if anything, i'll just go there for grad school. it's not that bad, and with God by my side, it doesn't matter what school i go to...i'm happy with the way everything turned out!
p.s. I DON'T GET TO SEE ANTHONY AND ANITA THIS WEEKEND! HOW SAD?! T.t i'm gonna miss them so much...
Sunday: church, home: napped, practice (4pm), home (8pm)
so it was our third adventure this time...this time was a very successfully planned adventure tho...the first one was completely unplanned, the 2nd one was failed, super tiring adventure, then this time was awesome! the clouds made it so mysterious yet so glorious at the same time...i could not stop saying "wow, this is so awesome!" "wow, this looks so pretty!" haha seriously, although i absolutely LOVE sleeping, and would kill anyone that tries to wake me up...seeing God's beautiful creation...totally worth it~
so we leave for california tomorrow! haha, i'm really not that all...i don't feel like we're ready at all, but i guess that's also a good thing, cause then, that way we get to see God work!!! which then of course will turn out awesome...i'm so excited to be serving with
so i haven't told anyone this yet but i'll announce it next week at youth group (since yg is canceled this week due to the trip...) but yesterday i got 3 letters from 3 different of them from, Wheaton has been my top choice for FOREVER, and after visitng it last year, i like fell in love with it, and just imagined myself going there, and i just went crazy~ ANYWAYS...i've been wait-listed at Wheaton, if i choose to first when i read the letter, i was like "i definitely want to be kept on the waiting list!" then later in the night, i decided...i don't want to much as i want to go to that school, it's obviously not part of God's plan, i mean i tried so hard...applied for early decision, got pushed to regular decision, then now on waiting list? forget that. God has a greater plan for me elsewhere. so yeah, and don't worry, i'm not at all depressed or anything, i mean, even tho i really wanted to go there, it's not the end of the world, if anything, i'll just go there for grad school. it's not that bad, and with God by my side, it doesn't matter what school i go to...i'm happy with the way everything turned out!
p.s. I DON'T GET TO SEE ANTHONY AND ANITA THIS WEEKEND! HOW SAD?! T.t i'm gonna miss them so much...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Urban Dictionary
Like my brother, i didn't pick the first entry of each of these, because some are quite inappropriate...haha
1.) Your Name: Jocelyn
pshhh, i didn't need urban dictionary to tell me that!
2.) Your Age: 17
"How old are you?"
"Dude, that sucks..."
lies, i like 17.
3.) One of your friends: Tracy (yixuan your name was
Some one that sleeps around with anyone that gives a complament.
"She just did a Tracy" or "Let's pull a Tracy on that chick"
seriously tracy, so you.
4.) What should you be doing? Sleeping
A gateway drug to being awake.
"What's the point in sleeping? I'll just be awake again tomorrow?"
didn't change this from my bro's....
5.) Favorite Color: Purple
An adjective to describe something worthy of being epic. If something deserves the status of epic, you award it with purple.
"This, my friend, is epic win. I'm giving it purple. "
that's right.
6.) Birthplace: Phoenix
7.) Month of your birth: August
The announcement of a person arriving. Must be spoken in a high pitched voice.
"There he is."
9.) One of your nicknames: jiow is undefined! ah-mei-ah...i just did mei
ha! of course.
10.) Name of your last boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A...and too lazy to make up a name or think of a star's name like my bro just none.
1.) Your Name: Jocelyn
The most beautiful girl ever, special in every way. "Wow Jocelyn, you are just so AMAZING!" said Ryan, as she has probably heard many times before." |
pshhh, i didn't need urban dictionary to tell me that!
2.) Your Age: 17
When you have more responsibility than at 16, but without all the fun of 18. |
"Dude, that sucks..."
lies, i like 17.
3.) One of your friends: Tracy (yixuan your name was
Some one that sleeps around with anyone that gives a complament.
"She just did a Tracy" or "Let's pull a Tracy on that chick"
seriously tracy, so you.
4.) What should you be doing? Sleeping
A gateway drug to being awake.
"What's the point in sleeping? I'll just be awake again tomorrow?"
didn't change this from my bro's....
5.) Favorite Color: Purple
An adjective to describe something worthy of being epic. If something deserves the status of epic, you award it with purple.
"This, my friend, is epic win. I'm giving it purple. "
that's right.
6.) Birthplace: Phoenix
A correction to previous erroneous definitions regarding this city in the desert. The largest city and capital of Arizona which is the 4th largest city in the United States of America, not the 5th as suggested in previous descriptions.
"Chauncey Schmidt only likes to visit the Valley of the Sun's primate city of Phoenix in the dead of winter when the lake effect makes Buffalo a white out."
7.) Month of your birth: August
The idea of perfection. The 8th Month of the year in certain European and Asian cultures signifies greatness in achieving perfection, or something close to it.
"You look August tonight my love!"
yes, even the month i was born is perfect, so fitting for me...=P
8.) Last Person you talked to in person: yixuan, but still yeeyes, even the month i was born is perfect, so fitting for me...=P
The announcement of a person arriving. Must be spoken in a high pitched voice.
"There he is."
9.) One of your nicknames: jiow is undefined! ah-mei-ah...i just did mei
pretty pretty pretty "That sunrise is mei." |
ha! of course.
10.) Name of your last boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A...and too lazy to make up a name or think of a star's name like my bro just none.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Home Alone
edit// i'm the baby of the family, at home and in both sides of the family (yenyen doesn't count...haha) so i'm very 嬌 (hence the nickname) my "tendon cyst" on my left wrist has been gone for a year or so...but because of the intense practice lately it's been hurting...yesterday, i pushed to open a door with my left hand, and it bent back and made a LOUD popping noise, and it hasn't stopped hurting since...T.t please pray, what if i have to chop off my left hand?! hahaha jk, the worst is i have to go get a surgery to remove it (although, it's gone right just hurts) the reason i didn't want to remove it last time was because the doctor says it won't kill me if i kept it, but if i got surgery on it 1) it'll leave a scar 2) it might affect the nerves around it 3) it has a high chance of coming i just left it...>< it hurts so much, like knives poking at it...constantly. (worst of all is, there's no one home to 撒嬌 to...just sitting here in pain and pouting...haha) 1:46am
so i'm pretty sure this is my first time being home alone through the night...i mean i've been home alone a ton of times, ever since we were living in singapore....but i've always had somebody, usually my brother (sigh, i miss him a lot again...) with mom was gonna have tracy stay with me tonight, but i thought it was pointless because, i get home from work at like 9...and won't sleep till like 3/4am...and then won't get up till...NEVER. soooo no point having anyone with me...hahaha, it's fine tho, it's just like a night when parents come home really late, but this time really late would mean the whole weekend...haha three day weekend! tomorrow's grading day, no school! hooray! it's so exciting, i managed to bring ALL my grades up~ guess senioritis isn't hitting that bad yet, i can keep going...haha jk
so i'm pretty sure this is my first time being home alone through the night...i mean i've been home alone a ton of times, ever since we were living in singapore....but i've always had somebody, usually my brother (sigh, i miss him a lot again...) with mom was gonna have tracy stay with me tonight, but i thought it was pointless because, i get home from work at like 9...and won't sleep till like 3/4am...and then won't get up till...NEVER. soooo no point having anyone with me...hahaha, it's fine tho, it's just like a night when parents come home really late, but this time really late would mean the whole weekend...haha three day weekend! tomorrow's grading day, no school! hooray! it's so exciting, i managed to bring ALL my grades up~ guess senioritis isn't hitting that bad yet, i can keep going...haha jk
so next week is when we go to california to do the praise night...eek! completely lift this whole trip up to God, i have no clue how it's gonna turn out and it's pretty intense planning it...haha lan fang ah yi's giving me so much stuff to do, the funny thing is, i've done half of the things before she even told me too...not because i'm high and mighty...but because i'm just OCD like that! on tuesday, she was like "you need to listen to these songs A LOT and know exactly when/what instruments have to's best if you take notes" i'm like "oh...i already started" and she ignores me and repeats that same thing like 3 times then i'm like don't worry, i did it. she's like what?! show me! and i show her my extensive list...and i really only did that because i'm just OCD and like writing every little thing down =P i think that part of planning is fun tho...she wants to train me to be completely normal on stage, and now how to speak and pick up a crowd...@_@ kinda nervous...ANYWAYS, the shirt making company emailed me today and sent me a proof looks pretty awesome! i guess i'll give you guys the "sneak" preview now.
The Front

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Senyum =)
-senyum is smile in malay/indonesian (learned from my awesome co-workers)-
i JUST noticed that...A LOT of my posts revolve around Anthony and Anita...i just love them too much!!! too adorable! but yesterday, Anita totally made my day...week...year...or however long it take me to get over it, it was SO cute! So, her mom was feeding her outside and she was goofing around as usual, so i whipped out my phone, knelt down, happily snapping away at her adorableness...she circles me, goes behind my back, and lies on my back...i was like AWW! COME HERE YOU LITTLE CUTIE! she come to the front giggling...then she took my keys...haha i don't know why, but she takes me keys every week...then her mom was like "ok give the keys back to jiow jiow jie jie!" and she does, and i'm like "thank you, anita~" so i begin to walk off...i take three steps, i hear this high pitched "JIE JIE!" (that was the loudest i've ever heard her talk) i turn around i'm like "gan ma?" she RUNS towards me and clings on to my legs and giggles...OMG! i knelt down and gave her a big hug! IT WAS SO CUTE! then she took my hand and made me walk with her, so i did...=) AHHHH! thinking about it makes me smile! her smile is so cute! i really can't believe i have to leave before she's old enough to remember who i am =( so depressing...Anthony on sunday was a dou dou head...i walked towards him and he screams "NO!" =____= at least his sisters love me! hmph
then work on sunday was CRAZY busy...i haven't worked on a sunday for like 3 months, forgot how busy it can legs turned into jello at the wasn't fun...haha the only motivation that got me to go to work that day was 1) i get paid 2) work is my only work out 3) i felt bad because i knew they would be super busy and the two people in the front would pretty much die if i didn't go...
so it's 1:48am right now and i am NOT in bed...i've got work and cali practice stuff....x_x
p.s. i have 2 pics on my phone of anita...but phone is being poopie and won't upload no adorable anita picture to incorporate to this post. boo.
i JUST noticed that...A LOT of my posts revolve around Anthony and Anita...i just love them too much!!! too adorable! but yesterday, Anita totally made my day...week...year...or however long it take me to get over it, it was SO cute! So, her mom was feeding her outside and she was goofing around as usual, so i whipped out my phone, knelt down, happily snapping away at her adorableness...she circles me, goes behind my back, and lies on my back...i was like AWW! COME HERE YOU LITTLE CUTIE! she come to the front giggling...then she took my keys...haha i don't know why, but she takes me keys every week...then her mom was like "ok give the keys back to jiow jiow jie jie!" and she does, and i'm like "thank you, anita~" so i begin to walk off...i take three steps, i hear this high pitched "JIE JIE!" (that was the loudest i've ever heard her talk) i turn around i'm like "gan ma?" she RUNS towards me and clings on to my legs and giggles...OMG! i knelt down and gave her a big hug! IT WAS SO CUTE! then she took my hand and made me walk with her, so i did...=) AHHHH! thinking about it makes me smile! her smile is so cute! i really can't believe i have to leave before she's old enough to remember who i am =( so depressing...Anthony on sunday was a dou dou head...i walked towards him and he screams "NO!" =____= at least his sisters love me! hmph
then work on sunday was CRAZY busy...i haven't worked on a sunday for like 3 months, forgot how busy it can legs turned into jello at the wasn't fun...haha the only motivation that got me to go to work that day was 1) i get paid 2) work is my only work out 3) i felt bad because i knew they would be super busy and the two people in the front would pretty much die if i didn't go...
so it's 1:48am right now and i am NOT in bed...i've got work and cali practice stuff....x_x
p.s. i have 2 pics on my phone of anita...but phone is being poopie and won't upload no adorable anita picture to incorporate to this post. boo.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
i made it alive friday! haha, had so many things going on that day...i'm very confident with my stats test, but whenever i feel like that, i usually end up doing pretty bad...=/ oh well, too late to worry about it now...haha...and i did bad on my gov test...-sigh-...which is why i am NOT going to take the ap! anyways, i really should be in bed right now, but because i woke up at 1 today, i'm still full of energy! haha not really was such a long day today...went to church at 3 for sunday worship practice, 4:30-6:30 Easter worship practice, 7:00 meeting for the California trip, 7:30-10:00 practice for the California home and just vegetated on the couch...and still am...hahaha
i don't know if i've posted about this yet, but our yg worship team (AND WINSTON!!! cause he's technically not OUR worship team anymore...) is going to California to do a praise night...i've always been super proud of our worship team and just how awesome we are, but i don't think we're good enough to go to other's churches to do praise nights...we've never even done a praise night at our own church before! ><" however, this is a chance to serve, so we must take advantage of it! afterall, our theme is to "Go Out And Tell" (shirt designs are coming soon!) so today during practice, i had to, i'm not the best piano player in the world, but i can definitely play piano much better than i can sing! hahaha, not afraid to admit that...cause my dad's tone deaf, my mom's got a pretty low voice, my brother's the only one that can actually sing! but just like when i first started playing piano, gotta ask God for help! (but if this isn't gonna be one of my spiritual gifts, i'm totally ok with keeping my singing in the shower! haha) if only i could steal Ariel's voice through a seashell necklace tho! hahaha (i wonder how many disney nerds actually got that...)
i texted Z.z yesterday cause it was his birthday and then i called Ting Ting today because it's her birthday...two malaysian birthdays in a row...20cent text to Z.z! SO not worth it...and he replied saying that my text ruined his day and that he's unhappy after he got it....Ting Ting, on the other hand, was super grateful to get my call, and even after we hung up she decides to call back and we get disconnected and she calls back, she just would not give up! hahaha...i miss my malaysians
busy week coming up! got work everyday cause the other half time hostess is on vacation, so i've gotta fill in...and then more cali practices during the week...AND last week of third quarter, so some catching up to excited...almost can't contain it anymore....><
i don't know if i've posted about this yet, but our yg worship team (AND WINSTON!!! cause he's technically not OUR worship team anymore...) is going to California to do a praise night...i've always been super proud of our worship team and just how awesome we are, but i don't think we're good enough to go to other's churches to do praise nights...we've never even done a praise night at our own church before! ><" however, this is a chance to serve, so we must take advantage of it! afterall, our theme is to "Go Out And Tell" (shirt designs are coming soon!) so today during practice, i had to, i'm not the best piano player in the world, but i can definitely play piano much better than i can sing! hahaha, not afraid to admit that...cause my dad's tone deaf, my mom's got a pretty low voice, my brother's the only one that can actually sing! but just like when i first started playing piano, gotta ask God for help! (but if this isn't gonna be one of my spiritual gifts, i'm totally ok with keeping my singing in the shower! haha) if only i could steal Ariel's voice through a seashell necklace tho! hahaha (i wonder how many disney nerds actually got that...)
i texted Z.z yesterday cause it was his birthday and then i called Ting Ting today because it's her birthday...two malaysian birthdays in a row...20cent text to Z.z! SO not worth it...and he replied saying that my text ruined his day and that he's unhappy after he got it....Ting Ting, on the other hand, was super grateful to get my call, and even after we hung up she decides to call back and we get disconnected and she calls back, she just would not give up! hahaha...i miss my malaysians
busy week coming up! got work everyday cause the other half time hostess is on vacation, so i've gotta fill in...and then more cali practices during the week...AND last week of third quarter, so some catching up to excited...almost can't contain it anymore....><
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
edit// i got a letter from Concordia University of Irvine yesterday saying i got in, with $7000! hooray! praise Jesus! He is good~
so on sunday, we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse with the Lu's....hecka lotta kids...hahaha, because there were too many people, they had to split us i was put with, Jin Hua, Ivan, and Ivan and Karen are the quietest kids to have ever the table was silent the whole time...and since the other table wasn't that far away, i could still see Anthony/Anita, so i would keep making faces to them...and when i see them do something cute i would go take a picture of the CUTEST CUTEST CUTEST part of the night was when i Anthony told his dad "jiow jiow jie jie" and pointed at me...and his dad moved him to my table so he could sit by me...then 5min later he was moved back because my food arrived and his dad wanted me to eat...but 5min after that he did the -point- "jiow jiow jie jie" and so his dad moved him back to my table! it was so adorable!!!!
i'm so sad that i'll be leaving them soon, and even if i visit, they'll barely remember me...=( i think i'm the most sad about leaving them...yes girls, i'm more sad about leaving them than i am about leaving you....hahaha...i don't want to leave them! T.t
i sound really mean and ranty in this next part, so ignore me if you don't want to read it, i don't really all.
i heard someone say this yesterday and i was like dang, good some people are 很多意见,没有主见 (a lot of opinions, no decision) you know how annyoing that can get?! so many ideas and opinions but then when you ask "what do you want?" they say "i don't know"...i finally understand my cousin's frustration with that answer...and i finally get what she means when she said people used to call her bossy, when she's really just a person capable of making a decision. i know i'm bossy, stubborn, and very opinionated, but i'm also very willing to listen to what you have to say, but if all you can do is talk and can't come to a conclusion, I'LL make the decision! i especially can't stand people that complain about the decision that i made, don't get me wrong, i'm not perfect, and my decisions definitely can be altered with others perspectives, but don't complain if you don't have a better plan!! i've had enough with these people, either be confident/affirmative (as google translated "主见" to be) with whatever you have to say, or shut up about what i just said. whew~ that felt much better...hey now, my mom said on sunday, sometimes people just need to let the anger out or else it'll turn into stress that makes people CRAZY! haha so i'm just trying to not go crazy =P
on a happier note, ohioans, i've been checking out tickets for my visit in april!!! i'll MOST LIKELY be there...unless lan fang ah yi kills me before i can go...@_@...haha pray that i can find the perfect tickets during the perfect time! yay!
so on sunday, we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse with the Lu's....hecka lotta kids...hahaha, because there were too many people, they had to split us i was put with, Jin Hua, Ivan, and Ivan and Karen are the quietest kids to have ever the table was silent the whole time...and since the other table wasn't that far away, i could still see Anthony/Anita, so i would keep making faces to them...and when i see them do something cute i would go take a picture of the CUTEST CUTEST CUTEST part of the night was when i Anthony told his dad "jiow jiow jie jie" and pointed at me...and his dad moved him to my table so he could sit by me...then 5min later he was moved back because my food arrived and his dad wanted me to eat...but 5min after that he did the -point- "jiow jiow jie jie" and so his dad moved him back to my table! it was so adorable!!!!
i'm so sad that i'll be leaving them soon, and even if i visit, they'll barely remember me...=( i think i'm the most sad about leaving them...yes girls, i'm more sad about leaving them than i am about leaving you....hahaha...i don't want to leave them! T.t
i sound really mean and ranty in this next part, so ignore me if you don't want to read it, i don't really all.
i heard someone say this yesterday and i was like dang, good some people are 很多意见,没有主见 (a lot of opinions, no decision) you know how annyoing that can get?! so many ideas and opinions but then when you ask "what do you want?" they say "i don't know"...i finally understand my cousin's frustration with that answer...and i finally get what she means when she said people used to call her bossy, when she's really just a person capable of making a decision. i know i'm bossy, stubborn, and very opinionated, but i'm also very willing to listen to what you have to say, but if all you can do is talk and can't come to a conclusion, I'LL make the decision! i especially can't stand people that complain about the decision that i made, don't get me wrong, i'm not perfect, and my decisions definitely can be altered with others perspectives, but don't complain if you don't have a better plan!! i've had enough with these people, either be confident/affirmative (as google translated "主见" to be) with whatever you have to say, or shut up about what i just said. whew~ that felt much better...hey now, my mom said on sunday, sometimes people just need to let the anger out or else it'll turn into stress that makes people CRAZY! haha so i'm just trying to not go crazy =P
on a happier note, ohioans, i've been checking out tickets for my visit in april!!! i'll MOST LIKELY be there...unless lan fang ah yi kills me before i can go...@_@...haha pray that i can find the perfect tickets during the perfect time! yay!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
i have a major headache -salutes- "major headache" (hahaha...oh you himym fans better get that!), but really, i don't even know why...i got plenty of sleep...especially this weekend, and i didn't hit my head or this weekend was very relaxing...i think i say that every weekend...hahaha, but really, it was nice, because it was a 4 day weekend and i really haven't been doing anything at all...except for:
yesterday, from 3-6:30 was just practice, practice, and more practice....i loved it tho~ lan fong ah yi is crazy, but when she put things together, they sound pretty darn nice...and after taking a break for a fingers WERE able to do their thing, Praise Jeebus! BUT my "bony" hand was hurting like crazy today...the first time it grew out was when it was my first time playing for a whole Easter set too...and it finally went away, maybe this Easter's set will make it grow i've got lots more practice coming up, lan fong ah yi is NOT letting me take the easy way out this time...=P
lately, there's been so much talk of mission trip, not just from the ohioans, but all at home and me with my malaysians...i'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait to go! it'll be so exciting! and my parents decided to postpone our mission trip so that our schedule would match up with CCCC's mission trip in Taiwan! YAY! so exciting! and i finally get to see ahBin! (ha, ahBin, ni kan ni duo zhong yao!)
BUT before all that good stuff can happen...i've got 3 math assignments due tomorrow, did our teacher REALLY think that just because it was a 4 day weekend we would actually do all our homework? and AP fees are due soon...i can't decide if i should take the AP Lit one...=/ we'll see...HEY! my headache went away! x) but that means...time to do homework...
yesterday, from 3-6:30 was just practice, practice, and more practice....i loved it tho~ lan fong ah yi is crazy, but when she put things together, they sound pretty darn nice...and after taking a break for a fingers WERE able to do their thing, Praise Jeebus! BUT my "bony" hand was hurting like crazy today...the first time it grew out was when it was my first time playing for a whole Easter set too...and it finally went away, maybe this Easter's set will make it grow i've got lots more practice coming up, lan fong ah yi is NOT letting me take the easy way out this time...=P
lately, there's been so much talk of mission trip, not just from the ohioans, but all at home and me with my malaysians...i'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait to go! it'll be so exciting! and my parents decided to postpone our mission trip so that our schedule would match up with CCCC's mission trip in Taiwan! YAY! so exciting! and i finally get to see ahBin! (ha, ahBin, ni kan ni duo zhong yao!)
BUT before all that good stuff can happen...i've got 3 math assignments due tomorrow, did our teacher REALLY think that just because it was a 4 day weekend we would actually do all our homework? and AP fees are due soon...i can't decide if i should take the AP Lit one...=/ we'll see...HEY! my headache went away! x) but that means...time to do homework...
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