Cousin and Anna both did this, so i'm gonna do it too...haha
Ten things you wish you could say to ten different people right now:
1. just have faith, don't take the easy way out, God will provide =)
2. make sure it's what God wants before you do anything you'll regret
3. just tell me.
4. come home! eegee's!
5. don't be stupid, you can get a better girl than her.
6. start making smarter decisions, please.
7. make sure he's the one God provided, if not i don't approve.
8. i'm glad you're my friend! x)
9. have you prayed about this?
10. sank you ;P
Nine things people should know about you:
1. i talk to myself when i drive
2. i cannot sleep still
3. i'm very straight forward
4. i tell my mom everything
5. i trust people really easily once, but once they lose it, i never trust them again
6. i will always choose mint chocolate chip over any other flavor (same as cousin)
7. i'm very protective of my brother...haha
8. i don't talk in school...which is very different from what most people usually see
9. i naturally like you better if you are from southeast asia.
Eight ways to win your heart:
1. Godly
2. laughter, the more the better
3. servant heart
4. musical talent
5. random acts of kindness
6. Ferro Rocher...hahaha
7. skilled in eating
Seven awesome movies:
1. Zoolander
2. The Dark Knight
3. Infernal Affairs =D
4. Count of Monte Cristo
5. The Notebook
6. Italian Job
7. Iron Man
Six things you do before you fall asleep:
1. clean up
2. devotions (usually ><) 3. journal (usually ><)
4. put on chapstick
5. check next day's weather
6. pray
Five people who mean a lot:
1. family
2. my girls
3. malaysians
4. youth group =D
5. ohioans
more like five GROUPS of people x)
Four things you don't like:
1. school...haha
2. ugly people...that's right. x)
3. waking up before my alarm
4. people who bash on christianity when they know nothing about it
Three things you like:
1. food
2. sleep
3. laughing
Two things you want to do before you die:
1. learn to make my mom's curry
2. play jon schmidt's love story/viva la vida
One Confession:
1. when i was in middle school, and i had a "bed time", i would go online AFTER bed time by turning off my lights and closing my door, but at our old house, my brother didn't park in the garage so he'd have to walk past my room window (from the outside) whenever he came home at whenever i hear his car pull up, i would turn off my monitor so the light from the screen wouldn't be visible.
Countdown is over...i will reveal my college tomorrow. x)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Shopping > Homework
i went to the mall after school today, to go get some stuff and to get my glasses tightened...and i ended up shopping for almost 2hrs, and on any other day, it would be not enough time at all, but it was way too long for today cause i had so many other things to do...then went to kohls to go get the frame my mom told me to get...but instead of just buying that one frame, i was attracted to another, and had to get it...
(pictures are dark cause i turned off flash to prevent glare) dang, we're one good looking family! - taken on brother's last sunday in tucson
<3 my girls, and i'm gonna get a picture of the lu's kids before i leave and replace my own baby picture with them! x)
but yeah, i really like that frame ^ there was another one that was similar to it, but the picture sizes were weird so i got's gonna look wonderful in my dorm!
i hope you guys have been praying, cause no schools have contacted me this week...and i promised i'd decide tomorrow...i'm gonna give calvin and concordia a call tomorrow, and the decision should be made! if not...thursday ><
AP studying time!
i hope you guys have been praying, cause no schools have contacted me this week...and i promised i'd decide tomorrow...i'm gonna give calvin and concordia a call tomorrow, and the decision should be made! if not...thursday ><
AP studying time!
Violence is Not the Answer, PUZZLES!

Monday, April 27, 2009
Last Bit of the Race!
edit// oh man! i love my Jesus! i'm sitting here doing stats hw, worrying thinking about college...and suddenly the hymn "信靠顺服" (Trust and Obey) yes, in chinese, bursts into my head...and i don't even know the lyrics...i only know "信靠顺服 lalalalalalalala 只要信靠顺服" i shall trust and obey...whatever God does, wherever He leads me, i'll trust and obey! Praise Jesus for reassurance~(12:22am)
Eye Doctor Appointment Update: i have to stop wearing contacts for at least two weeks...till my next appointment, got 2 pairs of new glasses (my mommy cannot get over them, she's excited every time i wear them...hahaha), was prescribed steroid eye drops called "FML" - 3 times a day for 5 days, and 2 times a day for 5 days...and so bernard asks me "did you fml today?" hahaha. the eye drops are crazy tho, the moment i drop them in my eyes, i suddenly have like nearly perfect vision, which is stupid, because it makes my new glasses completely blurry...
Weekend Update: I slept a lot, that's for sure...haha...i slept till 130pm on friday and 230pm on saturday...i didn't do anything for senior ditch day since i woke up so late, so pretty much just pooped around and then got ready for church...and i didn't even go anywhere yesterday, but today i went shopping with my mommy! i didn't get anything tho, she got so much stuff! i think this is the first time she gets more stuff than i do...i found clothes at AE that i wanted, but not the price i i'm gonna keep waiting...other than that...that's it!
i have not yet decided on a college...i have not showed any sign of worry, anxiety, or anything...God's prepared my schooling since the beginning (so many testimonies) so i know He'll continue to provide and be in control, but this is the last week, where i must make a final decision, i still don't know! i have almost a full ride to Calvin, but Azusa and Conordia's programs are pretty darn awesome (plus it's in cali)...location's not a big thing to me, but cali is closer to home...aiiii, i don't know, pray pray pray!
so this coming week is my last full week of high school...haha i haven't gone to school for a whole week in quite a while...
week of 3/16: was gone thurs/fri for cali trip
week of 3/23: was gone mon because was sick from cali trip
week of 3/30: hey! was actually at school for the whole week
week of 4/6: was gone thurs/fri for spring break
week of 4/13: was gone mon for spring break
week of 4/20: was gone wed for dr's appt and gone fri for senior ditch day...
coming week of 4/27: will try (and will force self to be, because i need to save my last few absences) to be at school for the whole week
coming week of 5/4: will be gone tues for stats AP
coming week of 5/11: will be gone mon for bio AP
coming week of 5/18: LAST WEEK OF HIGH SCHOOL! will probably not be there all week...haha
Eye Doctor Appointment Update: i have to stop wearing contacts for at least two weeks...till my next appointment, got 2 pairs of new glasses (my mommy cannot get over them, she's excited every time i wear them...hahaha), was prescribed steroid eye drops called "FML" - 3 times a day for 5 days, and 2 times a day for 5 days...and so bernard asks me "did you fml today?" hahaha. the eye drops are crazy tho, the moment i drop them in my eyes, i suddenly have like nearly perfect vision, which is stupid, because it makes my new glasses completely blurry...
Weekend Update: I slept a lot, that's for sure...haha...i slept till 130pm on friday and 230pm on saturday...i didn't do anything for senior ditch day since i woke up so late, so pretty much just pooped around and then got ready for church...and i didn't even go anywhere yesterday, but today i went shopping with my mommy! i didn't get anything tho, she got so much stuff! i think this is the first time she gets more stuff than i do...i found clothes at AE that i wanted, but not the price i i'm gonna keep waiting...other than that...that's it!
i have not yet decided on a college...i have not showed any sign of worry, anxiety, or anything...God's prepared my schooling since the beginning (so many testimonies) so i know He'll continue to provide and be in control, but this is the last week, where i must make a final decision, i still don't know! i have almost a full ride to Calvin, but Azusa and Conordia's programs are pretty darn awesome (plus it's in cali)...location's not a big thing to me, but cali is closer to home...aiiii, i don't know, pray pray pray!
so this coming week is my last full week of high school...haha i haven't gone to school for a whole week in quite a while...
week of 3/16: was gone thurs/fri for cali trip
week of 3/23: was gone mon because was sick from cali trip
week of 3/30: hey! was actually at school for the whole week
week of 4/6: was gone thurs/fri for spring break
week of 4/13: was gone mon for spring break
week of 4/20: was gone wed for dr's appt and gone fri for senior ditch day...
coming week of 4/27: will try (and will force self to be, because i need to save my last few absences) to be at school for the whole week
coming week of 5/4: will be gone tues for stats AP
coming week of 5/11: will be gone mon for bio AP
coming week of 5/18: LAST WEEK OF HIGH SCHOOL! will probably not be there all week...haha
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Yes, Indeed"
it's 2:04am and i'm up, why? SENIOR DITCH DAY (#2) tomorrow!!! yipee~ haha but i'm too lazy to write about anything, so i leave you with this...watched this with my cousin like a year ago, i suddenly thought of it, had to find it, and share it, it's TOO cute.
hehe, it's SO cute cause he's so serious about it too! hahaha...too cute, too cute.
hehe, it's SO cute cause he's so serious about it too! hahaha...too cute, too cute.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Fighting Against the System
edit// i want to complain (just like everyone else) about the weather! SO HOT! i need AC blowing at me...constantly...i should just be a total fob and wear that winnie-the-pooh fan necklace...wahahahahha. my bro and i rocked that in malaysia =P seriously...i don't know if i can handle the 110+ coming soon...T.t
so the past weekend in phoenix was very very tiring like i expected (3-4 hrs of sleep...) but it was also very fun, yg kids are too funny and chuck was pretty entertaining to chill with too! he's really different from the last time he visited...haha, in a good way tho =P
we got to phx around 830 on saturday, practiced till around 1030, checked in at 4point sheraton, went to applebee's, pulled the "happy birthday" prank on chuck, jerry laughed his butt off, went back to hotel, cleaned up, took pictures, died a little before 330am. woke up a little before 7am, formalized, ate speedy breakfast, where water was spilt 5000 times by smarty mcsmart smart...(hahaha so funny.) checked out, left for church, choir, dim sum for lunch, THEN THE ADVENTURE BEGAN!
the "youth van" - consisting of: the 4 girls and jerry, tony, yee - wanted to go get boba at lollicup, but because we were ordered to stay together at all times...when we went to get gas, yixuan was the sacrificial lamb and was supposed to stay in the bathroom long enough for the adults to get annoyed and leave first, but when we got to the gas station...the boys needed to poo and there was only one bathroom! so long story short, the adults left after some negotiaiting (good job yixuan, i'm proud of you, my 徒弟) and we went to get boba and yen shu ji! YUM~ it ended very well =D
AP's are coming up in less than 2 weeks and i have barely studied. somebody shoot me in the face, please. i need to decide on a school in less than 2 weeks, somebody shoot me in the foot please. i have no idea what's going on, but that's the awesome thing of having a God that does! so i'm leaving it all to Him and still praying!
p.s. going to the doctors tomorrow to get my crazy bloody/drug-user eye tomorrow! >< maybe they'll give me an eye, sick.
so the past weekend in phoenix was very very tiring like i expected (3-4 hrs of sleep...) but it was also very fun, yg kids are too funny and chuck was pretty entertaining to chill with too! he's really different from the last time he visited...haha, in a good way tho =P
we got to phx around 830 on saturday, practiced till around 1030, checked in at 4point sheraton, went to applebee's, pulled the "happy birthday" prank on chuck, jerry laughed his butt off, went back to hotel, cleaned up, took pictures, died a little before 330am. woke up a little before 7am, formalized, ate speedy breakfast, where water was spilt 5000 times by smarty mcsmart smart...(hahaha so funny.) checked out, left for church, choir, dim sum for lunch, THEN THE ADVENTURE BEGAN!
the "youth van" - consisting of: the 4 girls and jerry, tony, yee - wanted to go get boba at lollicup, but because we were ordered to stay together at all times...when we went to get gas, yixuan was the sacrificial lamb and was supposed to stay in the bathroom long enough for the adults to get annoyed and leave first, but when we got to the gas station...the boys needed to poo and there was only one bathroom! so long story short, the adults left after some negotiaiting (good job yixuan, i'm proud of you, my 徒弟) and we went to get boba and yen shu ji! YUM~ it ended very well =D
AP's are coming up in less than 2 weeks and i have barely studied. somebody shoot me in the face, please. i need to decide on a school in less than 2 weeks, somebody shoot me in the foot please. i have no idea what's going on, but that's the awesome thing of having a God that does! so i'm leaving it all to Him and still praying!
p.s. going to the doctors tomorrow to get my crazy bloody/drug-user eye tomorrow! >< maybe they'll give me an eye, sick.
Friday, April 17, 2009
i cannot get the song Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat out of my head...ALL week! @_@ it's a good song tho, so it's ok =P
it's a terrible picture because i was quite far away...because my dad literally RAN to my mom after we parked...haha i wanted to get a better picture but i didn't want to run, so i took it from far mom came back on Tuesday...FINALLYY! and bought SO much stuff...and by stuff i mean FOOD! she unpaacked, and literally our whole living room floor was filled with taiwanese snacks! and that was excluding the stuff that was in her carry on GIANORMUS bag...hahaha...i wanted to get a picture but she kept moving stuff away so i couldn't, she said she didn't want to "ruin her reputation" =P mmmm, so happy for her to be back and so happy to be eating all these amazing snacks...mmmmm....
i've been crazy tired this week, like even more tired than i usually am...don't even know what happened...i want sleep...=( although i did take a 4 hour nap yesterday, felt so good~ i'm sorta dreading this weekend...the whole phoenix trip is only gonna make me more tired...gotta get off now, gotta wake up about 10min earlier to go to church to copy and fax stuff T.t (and yes, 10min earlier is A LOT...)
p.s. there's blogger mobile now! hahahahaha, it means i can blog through texting!!! too funny...
i've been crazy tired this week, like even more tired than i usually am...don't even know what happened...i want sleep...=( although i did take a 4 hour nap yesterday, felt so good~ i'm sorta dreading this weekend...the whole phoenix trip is only gonna make me more tired...gotta get off now, gotta wake up about 10min earlier to go to church to copy and fax stuff T.t (and yes, 10min earlier is A LOT...)
p.s. there's blogger mobile now! hahahahaha, it means i can blog through texting!!! too funny...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Spring Break #2
edit// (232am) got SO much gov stuff left to do...but i developed this nasty skill in singapore and i'm using it now, because i don't want to pull an all nighter...haha since we don't have to turn it in YET, he's only checking if we have it, i just do the beginning stuff, so he sees it and gives me credit...learned this awesome terrible skill in singapore when i had to write 10,000 pages of chinese characters, i'd just do the first few pages =P
whee, just got back from phoenix...instead of sleep, spent 2 hrs talking to tony, which was cool...i think it's the first time i've talked to him about "deep" things...hahaha, didn't know i could have a deep conversation with tony...@_@ anyways, it was cool, i spent time with my awesome aunt, went shopping for 3 hrs - got 2 shirts from AE ($9.95 and $4.95! hooray for buy one get one 50% off!), brought home the UGGs my aunt got me 2 months ago, and ate good chinese food! hahaha, so as i was walking around Chandler mall, i was wondering where A&F were, and before i turned the corner, i was like it must be RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER because i can SMELL it!!! hahaha and it was! goodness, they're perfume smell is crazy...didn't get anything from there tho...too expensive...=/ i'm excited to wear my new shirt tomorrow tho~ =P
i don't want to go back to school tomorrow...have all these hw to do tonight, sigh...but i'm actually surprised i did some in phoenix! haha...maybe i'll be like crazy Bernard and pull an all nighter...@_@ MY MOMMY COMES HOME TOMORROW!!! i'm so excited!!! picking her up right after school! yipee! gonna go make a sign later...haha
p.s. congratulations Bernard & Shing on getting baptized! =D
whee, just got back from phoenix...instead of sleep, spent 2 hrs talking to tony, which was cool...i think it's the first time i've talked to him about "deep" things...hahaha, didn't know i could have a deep conversation with tony...@_@ anyways, it was cool, i spent time with my awesome aunt, went shopping for 3 hrs - got 2 shirts from AE ($9.95 and $4.95! hooray for buy one get one 50% off!), brought home the UGGs my aunt got me 2 months ago, and ate good chinese food! hahaha, so as i was walking around Chandler mall, i was wondering where A&F were, and before i turned the corner, i was like it must be RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER because i can SMELL it!!! hahaha and it was! goodness, they're perfume smell is crazy...didn't get anything from there tho...too expensive...=/ i'm excited to wear my new shirt tomorrow tho~ =P
i don't want to go back to school tomorrow...have all these hw to do tonight, sigh...but i'm actually surprised i did some in phoenix! haha...maybe i'll be like crazy Bernard and pull an all nighter...@_@ MY MOMMY COMES HOME TOMORROW!!! i'm so excited!!! picking her up right after school! yipee! gonna go make a sign later...haha
p.s. congratulations Bernard & Shing on getting baptized! =D
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Parker: very artistic, but maybe not in a good way, it's like gore photographs...
Stephanie: I thought this was some beautiful piece of Jackson Pollock-esque artwork
Winston: So textured
it was the biggest bug "stain" on the windshield, and it had blood on it, so i had to take a picture...and i thought this picture would go along with this post because of easter...haha because when i saw the comments, i thought so death isn't always a bad thing...and i don't need to connect the dots for you on how it relates to easter.
"praise night" went alright...haha i think we did good though, using the little time that we had, the small amount of yg kids we had, it went pretty good, all glory to God~
i've had so much on my mind lately...this is what happens when my mom goes to china for 3 weeks and i only get to talk to her for a very short amount of time on the phone...everything accumulates in my head...and i overthink things...haha, i'm so dependent on my mom =P i also wish i had a Pensieve, so i could look at my own thoughts/dreams/memories...haha alright, i'm done...time to make the powerpoint for tomorrow....@_@
Friday, April 10, 2009
double edit// (241am) i'm still not asleep...i will right after this someone should push me to scan pictures this weekend/spring break...there's a lotta pics i wanna scan...maybe i'll even scan one of my parents 30 years ago...hahaha
(a few years ago...Linda visited our old house for the first time, saw pictures on the wall and said:)
Linda: dang! Pan Mu Shi was a hottie!!! and look at Wang Mu Shi, he's such a pimp! look at the way he's posing!
haha too bad neither of them are like that anymore =P
edit// (133am) i'm up doing the powerpoint for tomorrow night's praise night, and talking to a few of 4C's yg boys...haha, they're so weird and funny (i mean that in the nicest way possible...) and i'm so tired, my eyes are half open...i should really just go to bed...i really wanna go shopping to powerpoint again....
so, why have i been wanting to post today? because, today is just a wonderful ADORABLE day! 30 years ago parents got married! heeeeee~ my parents wanted to get married on 4/4 because it's children's day in Taiwan, but apparently every other couple in taiwan wanted to get married on that day they were pushed back to 4/9! and it's been 30 years! i'm so sad that they're not together to celebrate...they don't ever actually "CELEBRATE" but i usually force them to at least go eat dinner together...ALONE. my parents aren't the cutest, most loving couple...but they're definitely a couple that was saved by God's love...haha, when two crazy, hot-headed, stubborn, people are able to love and stay together for 30 years, it truly is God's work...i wanna do something next thursday for them...cause my mom will be back and it'll just be a celebration 1 week later...hmmm...i'll think of something...also reminds me that i need to get them their gift...but i have till next tues to get something, maybe i'll get someting in phoenix on monday...whee~ ok, i've really got nothing to write about except that it's my parents 30th anniversary today! haha x)
PRAY FOR OUR GOOD FRIDAY PRAISE NIGHT TOMORROW! i'm rather worried...but i know He's in control, so whatever happens, it's OK!
(a few years ago...Linda visited our old house for the first time, saw pictures on the wall and said:)
Linda: dang! Pan Mu Shi was a hottie!!! and look at Wang Mu Shi, he's such a pimp! look at the way he's posing!
haha too bad neither of them are like that anymore =P
edit// (133am) i'm up doing the powerpoint for tomorrow night's praise night, and talking to a few of 4C's yg boys...haha, they're so weird and funny (i mean that in the nicest way possible...) and i'm so tired, my eyes are half open...i should really just go to bed...i really wanna go shopping to powerpoint again....
so, why have i been wanting to post today? because, today is just a wonderful ADORABLE day! 30 years ago parents got married! heeeeee~ my parents wanted to get married on 4/4 because it's children's day in Taiwan, but apparently every other couple in taiwan wanted to get married on that day they were pushed back to 4/9! and it's been 30 years! i'm so sad that they're not together to celebrate...they don't ever actually "CELEBRATE" but i usually force them to at least go eat dinner together...ALONE. my parents aren't the cutest, most loving couple...but they're definitely a couple that was saved by God's love...haha, when two crazy, hot-headed, stubborn, people are able to love and stay together for 30 years, it truly is God's work...i wanna do something next thursday for them...cause my mom will be back and it'll just be a celebration 1 week later...hmmm...i'll think of something...also reminds me that i need to get them their gift...but i have till next tues to get something, maybe i'll get someting in phoenix on monday...whee~ ok, i've really got nothing to write about except that it's my parents 30th anniversary today! haha x)
PRAY FOR OUR GOOD FRIDAY PRAISE NIGHT TOMORROW! i'm rather worried...but i know He's in control, so whatever happens, it's OK!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Spring Break #2
YAY! spring break!!! hahaha though it's the crappiest spring break ever...who has 5 days of spring break with weekend already included?! hmph. AND i'm just gonna be working all of spring break, except for monday, i'll be in phoenix chilling with my awesome aunt! i don't really have anthing to update or write's just cause it's "can guan tuan qi" right now, and i have nothing to do (i usually do homework, but no hw to do this time) so i'm just sitting here chilling, so decided to update, but i'll definitely have something to write about tomorrow! haha, i've been awaiting tomorrow for quite some time! don't anticipate anything big, it's nothing that deals with YOU, in fact, you might not care at all...goodbye.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Sunday Morning
"Sunday morning rain is falling"
Friday: i <3 our youth group~ i think God revived my love for our youth group =) AND Aaron and Sam came!!! THAT MADE MY WEEKEND! i've been trying to convince samuel to come for forever....but he has a pretty strong youth group so i don't blame him, but oh man! when you put the three boys together, they're just the funniest kids ever! after yg Mark and i talked for like was pretty interesting, it's kinda weird thinking about what would've happened if i had attended desert instead...=/ oh well.
Saturday: 1.5hrs late for practice, i felt SO bad...i wanted to cry while i was driving, but apparently i'm so cold hearted no tears came out, but i felt terrible!!! then, make up at mall, back to church for hair by tracy, NoRTH, WAS fun, haha but i also discovered how critical and mean i can get...hahahaha, we'll leave it at that...=P oh and i think my cousin was right about going with a close friend to prom, and it would make it more fun, unfortunately i don't have any close guy friends in tucson, ahBin should've flown here just for it! hahaha, prom would've been amazing if ahBin was there...although, we might just laugh and "argue" - over who's more fan - the whole night...which is pretty much all we do anyways...
Sunday: i think this happens every weekend: i think about how much i'll miss adorable little anita when i leave...i love playing with her, she's the highlight of my weekend~ (sorry, tracy) but i think i'm buying her affection, she just likes playing with my keys, phone, and because i give her lots of sweets...-sigh- but she did give me a nice big hug before she left, TOO CUTE...nothing much happened, we had more easter practice...surprisingly i haven't gotten yelled at by Chuck yet...or maybe i'm just immune...because i simply don't care. hahaha i remember 3 years ago where i held in my tears SO badly during practice, that once i saw my mom i just bursted into tears by her...but now i'm like "Ok." "alright" "hao" "ha, k" "-nod-" wo yi jing shi lao liu mang le~ =P
so i'm disappointed i'm not currently in Ohio as i had planned, but that's ok i guess, haha i had a long ohioan conversation tho, so that was fun! Today (4/5) marks my parents 6th year ordination anniversary! how exciting!
Friday: i <3 our youth group~ i think God revived my love for our youth group =) AND Aaron and Sam came!!! THAT MADE MY WEEKEND! i've been trying to convince samuel to come for forever....but he has a pretty strong youth group so i don't blame him, but oh man! when you put the three boys together, they're just the funniest kids ever! after yg Mark and i talked for like was pretty interesting, it's kinda weird thinking about what would've happened if i had attended desert instead...=/ oh well.
Saturday: 1.5hrs late for practice, i felt SO bad...i wanted to cry while i was driving, but apparently i'm so cold hearted no tears came out, but i felt terrible!!! then, make up at mall, back to church for hair by tracy, NoRTH, WAS fun, haha but i also discovered how critical and mean i can get...hahahaha, we'll leave it at that...=P oh and i think my cousin was right about going with a close friend to prom, and it would make it more fun, unfortunately i don't have any close guy friends in tucson, ahBin should've flown here just for it! hahaha, prom would've been amazing if ahBin was there...although, we might just laugh and "argue" - over who's more fan - the whole night...which is pretty much all we do anyways...
Sunday: i think this happens every weekend: i think about how much i'll miss adorable little anita when i leave...i love playing with her, she's the highlight of my weekend~ (sorry, tracy) but i think i'm buying her affection, she just likes playing with my keys, phone, and because i give her lots of sweets...-sigh- but she did give me a nice big hug before she left, TOO CUTE...nothing much happened, we had more easter practice...surprisingly i haven't gotten yelled at by Chuck yet...or maybe i'm just immune...because i simply don't care. hahaha i remember 3 years ago where i held in my tears SO badly during practice, that once i saw my mom i just bursted into tears by her...but now i'm like "Ok." "alright" "hao" "ha, k" "-nod-" wo yi jing shi lao liu mang le~ =P
so i'm disappointed i'm not currently in Ohio as i had planned, but that's ok i guess, haha i had a long ohioan conversation tho, so that was fun! Today (4/5) marks my parents 6th year ordination anniversary! how exciting!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
First Post of April
anyways, this week's almost over...i spent most of it doing...well, absolutely nothing...haha, it's so bad, i'm not motivated to do anything, i don't wake up in time for school...whee, senior year! haha...oh and about schools, Cedarville just gave me another $1000! that's $9k from them already! but it's my last i really don't know now...@_@ i'll keep praying and see where God leads!
this saturday is prom, i wasn't excited for it at all...because i had planned to be flying to Ohio on saturday, so when those plans were cancelled, it seems like nothing could compare...and i didn't even want to go to prom anymore, but i gave in and got my ticket yesterday...haha i had to spend $45 tho cause i had to spend $5 getting a school ID, but the awesome thing was, yesterday night Daniel shushu paid me $45 for working one day in the office...hahaha so that was cool~ i'm gonna be working this spring break, which i guess i don't mind cause i want money to buy that new beautiful macbook in June...haha...
i'm SO excited for summer, i can't wait to go back to asia, it's been two years and two years too long!!! AND after malaysia we're going to taiwan and meeting up with my brother's church's STM, YAY! extra excitement! alright more updates after this weekend...
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