i finally have
kinda stopped working...after quitting 3 times, each time being called back the day after, they finally found someone to work, but i still have to go in on weekends...haha...i really miss working there tho, especially now that i chat with my co-workers as if they're my age...the funniest thing is that i completely didn't want to work there in the beginning, and now that i have finally [kinda] stopped, i really miss it....=/...it was a really good experience and super fun, i'm just sad that these servers will leave and go to other places, and i'll never be able to contact them again...-sigh-...i've been taking a lot of pictures at work tho, or i did, when i thought i was gonna stop working, so i'm gonna post a few now.

here is alex: my favorite server!!! he's so weird and goofy, the first one to talk me...and say hi to me everyday...his english isn't great so whenever i talk to him he gives me a weird look and just smiles...and then i ask "you have no clue what i'm talking about huh?" and he just continues smiling...hahaha.
Next, 2nd favorite server, STEVEN! hilarious guy too...first impression of him was when he came up to the front and started complaining in indonesian, had no clue what he was saying, but his facial expression was just funny...

see? he's just a funny looking guy...havea better pictures of us, but his is funnier so yup...him and his wife (WIFE! OMG! HE'S ONLY 23!!!) are SO cute, but his wife won't let me take a pic of them together, so i can't...-sigh-...they are adorable tho, he's always helping her clean up her tables cause her section just always happens to be the busy one (don't blame me) and on a saturday, where he got this section that would be busy probably 2 times the entire day and she got the busiest section, there was a table that wanted "2 pepsis" he's like "hun, dua pepsis (hun, two pepsis in indonesian)" and he said it twice, she gave him a glare and he immediately went and got those two pepsis...lol i laughed so hard...
wow, i didn't think i would go on for that long...anyways...so i'm in AP Bio now instead of AP Enviro, it's all part of God's plan tho, i wanted to choose that class, but i chickened out and went into Enviro instead...but then when i went into Woon's last monday he's like "WHY AREN'T YOU IN MY CLASS?!" sooo i switched into his class...=D i like it more than enviro tho...but they're already 13 chapters into the book, so i'm way behind...@_@...pray pray pray!
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