Saturday, November 01, 2008


it's 1:11am right now, i haven't showered, i smell like burnt stuff, and i'm super tired. but i wanna get this post in before bed or end of weekend.

so obviously, today was halloween, what a lame day, anyways we didn't "dress up", 10 of us just decided to all be an ingredient of a chipotle burrito! haha, we just all got a "colored" shirt and then wrote our ingredient on the front and "chipotel" on the back and yes it's misspelled because it's like a fake brand...haha. here's our list of ingredients, in order that you would get at chipotle:
Rice - Tony
Steak - Yee
Black Beans - Jess
Pinto Beans - Tracy
Salsa - Meixuan
Sour Cream - Janet
Corn - Martha
Cheese - Yixuan
Guacamole - Me
Letteuce - Lixuan
so today at yg, we had bon fire and "Holy Spirit" vs "deamons" discussion, which turned out poorly, which would be my fault as i failed to look up some stuff, and with the smoke blowing against my face, using the fire as a light, and constantly losing my place, it was very hard to keep focused. Anways, afterwards the 10 of us went to Chipotle and only Yee, Tony, and Martha ordered, but the people, amazed at our effort gave us 2 free burritos! although today was like an all day "you have foil all over you, you get a burrito" but we didn't have any foil! haha, it was cool tho. Praise Jeebus! =P then we just took lots and lots of pictures, which i am positive will all be on facebook from Jess and Tracy. but i better go shower now as i am pretty darn disgusting.

Yay no work tomorrow!

edit\\ i forgot to add, we stopped by new china before going to Chipotle because they wanted to it cause i told them it was a 10 person event. haha. and i made Rudy build his perfect burrito, he ended up having a "steak, rice, lettuce, cheese'" burrito, he wanted guacamole, but when i told him it cost 1.50 more he said no. well poo on him...haha we were not happy with his burrito as he only used 2/5 of all our ingredients!

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