edit// i miss my 小蝌蚪, i was gonna wait to post her pics up, so that i can post my "moving pics" too, but these are too cute tot wait! =P
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” - Sir Walt DisneyAs much as i like procrastinating on my blog posts, i do think that i need an update. (i color coded it again for you lazy readers =P)
early in the morning, my 2 xuan-xuans and winston took me and my parents to the airport, they literally just dropped us off, which was fine, and completely not sad...haha ok, not competely, but
it really wasn't that bad as the xuans have left me and i've left the xuans, and winston left us before too...anyways, one of my luggage was 12lbs over weight (what the fart, it had the lighest things inside too...) and so we had to take some crap out and that was real fustrating...oh and jerry appeared at that time, his eyes were water filled...i thought he just didn't get enough sleep but my mom claims that he was crying...hmmmm...(sparknotes version here) left tucson, transferred in Chicago, arrived an hr late in columbus, picked up by brother and jacqueline, went to Oo's residence to drop off all luggage, ate dinner at this korean place, went with brother to OSU while him and some youths played tennis, end.
Friday: woke up at noon (9am tucson time, be proud of me) to have lunch with bro at Tensuke (sp?) then came home, (the highlight of my weekend...so far, as there's still tomorrow) so in the spare time between after lunch and 8pm yg,
i watched 2 disney movies! haha it made me so happy to see the mini collection of disney movies here (which i think xiao qi jiejie would be really happy to see too) i started with Meet The Robinsons just cause i haven't seen that yet, and at first i was like @.@ but then it became O.O
it was so good! hahaha, it totally surprised me (i won't go into detail so i won't ruin anything for you yet-to-watch-it-ers...) but in it "keep moving forward" was like the main theme and at the end they put the quote by Disney that i put in the beginning of this post....and after the movie i felt like it was God telling me something too, cause the night before i left i started freaking out so much that i couldn't even sleep all night, shocker right? (details some day) but now,
KEEP MOVING FORWARD! anyways, then i also watched
The Little Mermaid...i couldn't decide which one, but then since she was the only princess one i decided to watch it...left for yg, played redonkulous game, stm testimonies (thumbs up), came home, end.
Saturday: had lunch with Rev. Oo's, went to Easton with anna, bernard, dianna, jacqueline, katie, marissa, mj, shirley, si chu, and later met up with steven and victor (bahahaha, it's alphabetized...i hope i'm not missing anyone) during Easton (sparknotes) bwen became obsessed with jam and steven is extra shady and almost got in trouble...oh and
Tiffany and Co had free food <3! after Easton, went to park near katie's house, went to katie's house for dinner, came home, end.
Overall, it's been a good transition, and i'm getting a little excited to see what my classes are like...haha, but the whole parents leaving thing still scares me a little, so keep praying for me kids! i needa "keep moving forward!" (向前走呀! 努力向前走!)
p.s. if you girls see starbucks "vanilla bean truffles" YOU MUST BUY, SO DELICIOUS, i had one here at Oo's place, almost died from it being so good...dark chocolate on the outside and vanilla yumminess on the inside. =P