edit// my mom was making me research some stuff near Calvin, and there's a Kohls <1mi away, a mall <2mi away, and a Costco <3mi away! haha i love it! those are the only 3 places i need! hopefully there'll be a few good restaurants around too =P

lol, that's my favorite picture of him from all week cause 1) all the crap is off his face! 2) his eyes are open! 3) he's so pissed off that i would even dare take a picture of him...hahaha
so Andrei's been doing much much better! praise God! he's been brave going through all this too! but his liver is still swollen and the doctors don't know why, so keep him in your prayers!
so yesterday morning my parents took a couple to look at houses, and there was this random bird that kept following my mom so my mom decided to take it home, and it even let my mom do that! so i woke up from my nap and there was a random bird in our old hamster cage...

then we gave it to Pat ahyi/uncle John cause they know how to take care of birds, and i'm scared of birds...but apparently the bird is a little baby love bird that hasn't eaten in days...so died today...haha
10 More Days Till Graduation!!!
... what a depressing bird story!
hahaha shopping and food, what more could you need?!?! your baybee..maybee??
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