Saturday, February 28, 2009

Big Brother

edit (3:21am) // i found out yesterday that i'm actually getting $67.00 for tax return!!! first time doing taxes, i get money back?! how fun! i'm thinking about spending it...=P

big brothers are such a nice thing to have around, haha, i'm sure any one with one would agree...(praise Jeebus that i adopted another big brother last summer!) i really miss my guhguh tho...(yes, i know it's "gege" but that just looks weird...) so i can't say that my brother and i are the closest siblings ever, cause we're definitely not...and ontop of it, we're asian, so we're not exactly that affectionate...i remember on my 7th birthday, my parents said his gift to me would be a hug and when i went over to get my hug, he put the pillow in between us...hahaha, i was so sad, but pretty funny now...i think the most "affectionate" we've been was the day before he left tucson, he picked me up from church on a wednesday night...and during the 30min drive from church to home...we both cried our eyes out...the car almost flooded...oh and when he gave me a hug when i left ohio last may...but i think lately we've both been trying to be "closer"...hahaha, so it's good, and working (at least i think so...) oh yeah, he plans on getting me the blackberry curve 2...haha but i don't just love him because he buys me stuff (it's a big part tho, jk) so ohio girls, take good care of him and take advantage of his big brotherly love~ AND if yer gonna try and find him a girl, make sure you tell her to send the application to ME...(along with the application better come some goodies too, gotta win my heart before you can win his =P)

NOW...after that long thing about big brothers, i promise you it relates....youth group went bowling today...and it relates because 1) my brother's really good at bowling 2) when i visited my brother for the first time in ohio, we went bowling as a yg 3) driving his ugly '96 green camry, made me think about him a lot...SO, it was fun bowling...i technically only played one game, cause the second one yixuan and i were just eating our "deluxe nachos" and yee and tony were goofing off and playing in our whatevers...i got like 70+ on the first game, forgot to look...haha, i'm no good at real bowling but totally a PRO bowler, with my own shiny ball on Wii Bowling!!! x) it was pretty amazing tho, never seen this many people at youth group before...27! so close to 30!! but that's cause: 3 non usuals, 1 out of state, 3 new...BUT we were also missing 3 guys that didn't go...OH EM GEE GUYS! I JUST REALIZED GEORGE WASN'T THERE!!!! HAHAHAHAHA...he was the first to reply on facebook too and i talked to him about 3 times making sure he was gonna be there and i didn't even realize till now....WOW. I slept till 1:43pm today, felt soooo good...i love sleeping till i naturally wake up, and i'm sure if my phone wasn't vibrating like crazy, i would've slept till later...

Yesterday, i worked at the office instead of the restaurant...i only did TWO things at the office tho...typed a 13page thing for's a good thing God gave me the gift of speedy typing skills...and then burned 8 CDs for him...haha i like doing all the "technical" stuff for him...cause it's things i can do really well...=P oh and the beginning of this week i was about 1 and a half season behind on smallville...but within 3 days i was completely caught up, and now winston is convincing me to catch up on desperate housewives...i don't know if i want to, but i told him i would...haha.

i'm blabbing. beause it's 1:39am. so i shall stop. oh, 3+hrs of practice tomorrow for sunday and easter...after a month of not playing let's pray that my fingers can still do their job!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sleep, oh how i miss thee!

i think someone threw sleeping powder on eyes are small enough usually...but right now they're literally -.- and no, not ._. because my eyes are a little slit, not a little much to write about!!!

Oscars: didn't see any dress that i was like "O_O I WANT!" i think Slumdog Millionaire won too many awards...Hugh Jackman was an awesome host! haha, really enjoyed his monologue...Reese Witherspoon looked beautiful, but not STUNNINGLY beautiful like she did at the 79th Academy Awards...ok, so this next part is very opinionated so if you don't agree, just don't agree and ignore me. I DO NOT THINK HEATH LEDGER SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THAT OSCAR!!! don't get me wrong, i thought he was absolutely, wonderfully, awesome in Dark Knight, but i do not think he won because of his performance, i honestly think it was more of a "pity win"...i think the other nominees knew they didn't have a chance with him...the other men were all very amazing in their films...gah! i think they should have just done this crazy long memorial to Heath Ledger, and taken him out of the nomination....=/ whatevers.

Today: it was free pancakes day at ihop...i had work after school, so i wanted to go grab a togo that i could eat at work...i got there and it said "dine-in only" so i left...then after work i wanted to go get it....and there were a lot of people so i left....sigh...hahaha, it's not big deal, i just really wanted some pancakes!!! =P so i have this essay due tomorrow, that i haven't exactly started on...if i wasn't so tired, this blog post would be much more "meaty" but since i can barely keep my eyes open...i'm just typing whatever comes to my, good state to start writing an important essay...@_@ oh wait, so during work today, ah hao, our bbq-er came to the front, hostess podium place, and handed me a coconut! so refreshing!!! x)

p.s. four day weekend cause of rodeo!!! praise Jesus~ but i'll be working thursday and possibly not much of a break, at least i get gold, so it's good i guess =P

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Movie Addict

so yesterday, tracy and i went to go see He's Just Not That Into You...oh! it was so cute! i really enjoyed it, and my new favorite is: Justin Long~ he was so cute in this movie PLUS, he's the mac guy, there's nothing cooler than that...hahaha...but he kinda has a butt chin and since whenever i watch movies i'm very focused on the actors/actresses (as in, i really care about who's in the movie), this movie was filled with so many stars! not all that i liked, but still so many! Jennifer Aniston is so pretty! (getting old but still pretty...losing her "Rachel" days =P) the gay guys and the fat black ladies were just the perfect touch up to the movie...hahaha! a very cute movie, but it's how the world views relationships, and not how christians should...BUT it's still cute nontheless! -sigh- liking this movie so much just means i've gotta add another movie to my long "buy dvd" list...

Alex: If you can find him, then he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will. (Alex is Justin Long's character, there were a few more of his "wise" quotes that i wanted to put on here, but no.)

Then nothing much happened today, church and then when we went to go get togo at eegee's for lunch, we ended up $4 short...and the person was like "ummm...hold on" and he gave me a military discount, so that was about $2 off...then i was able to pull out $2.50 in quarters from my car's coin thingy...hahaha.

whee! the Oscars!!! so exciting! i've waited for this all week! i don't understand why Miley Cyrus is there! she's so nasty mcnastnast!!! ah! it's starting for real now! i'm done posting~

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Little Balls of Poop

"you always relate your desserts to poo huh?" - Yixuan Lim, my other half.

so if you guys have seen the desserts that Jennifer Duann has posted on her facebook, you would've seen a lot of amazing looking desserts...and the one as the album cover...seems to always be on my "photo page" so i always see themand drool over this week i was like I'M GONNA MAKE THOSE!!! so yesterday, while my parents were in phoenix, and i was home alone, i decided to start baking and making...THESE
BAH! i don't know why this picture is sideways! i didn't have to "rotate" it cause it was already the right way, and when i view it it's fine, but when i upload it, it's rotated....
chocolate cake, Godiva dark chocolate coating, and crushed peanut powder! it was so delicious, and i'm not "praising" myself for making such an amazing dessert, i'm praising whoever came up with this...hahaha

i made about 40 of these...mmmm...haha, so i'm not super skilled in cooking, because my mom is, and so it usually ends up in me getting yelled at, haha, but i've learned to make a few things lately (just so i'll be able to survive in college) but i'm usually way better at making desserts...and i ENJOY making desserts too!!! my future husband, is gonna become a fatty mcfatfat and my kids...well, i won't allow my kids to eat any...or i'll just continue making it for church, and get everyone at church fat, and keep my family skinny...hahaha...i'm gonna keep making these cake balls, and try different flavors/coatings...await these fatty foods! x)

I GOT AN A ON MY BIO TEST!!! there were only 3 people that got an A and i was one of them! and the other two were the class's smartest kids that ALWAYS get A's....i was super duper pooper scooper happy! i told mr. woon, "i got an A!" "wow really? what happened?!" "i actually studied!" "you see jocelyn? if you would just give me 10min a day, just 10min, you would be a bio genius" hehe...i guess i'm not that dumb afterall!

p.s. i got $2000 from Calvin for being smart and $3000 for being "multicultural" yesterday! praise Jesus!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


gah! why am i on blogger so early? because i'm sitting in the school library pooping is such a waste of i said, half day, with 3 of the 6 classes being a state math exam that i'm not taking so i'm sitting in the library waiting for it to be over...but because they actually are keeping track of the number of absences we have, i can't ditch!!! least i'm saving these up, so you ohioans can see me in the spring! hahaha! be grateful!

so i had the most interesting conversation with my mom last night...
ma: what does your msn name say?
me: uhhh...jiow?
ma: beside that?
me: -pause- Oh! 你的愛是我的 Everything? hahaha, that's a Wang Lee Hom song lah!
ma: ba say it on there yesterday and started freaking out and asked me if you were (using her exact words) tan lian ai?
me: no! it's just a song! guh sent it to me, you can even ask him!
ma: he thought you started tan lian ai-ing, he asked me to be more cautious of what you were doing, especially since you're always online
me: hahaha, please, i would tell you guys! trust me, it's just a song
ma: why put it up there? what do others think?
me: others think it's a great song too...haha

so while we were having that conversation, i could not help but laugh/giggle the whole time...because it's just funny! but the giggling definitely did not help the suspicion...but like that has absolutely nothing to do with a boy (cause it's for tracy...haha...NO) except for it being Wang Lee Hom's song...i found it pretty entertaining.

p.s. the time stamp might not actually be an "early" time, since i decided to finish the blog post at home, so only the first paragraph was written in school...

p.s.s. i just found out that one of my friends, a kid of a professor from singapore bible college, so we used to hang, who graduated from Wheaton just wrote a book! like a LEGIT book too! thought it was pretty spiffy...check it out: Green Revolution

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


double edit// i have the greatest brother in the whole wide world! haha =)

edit// i talked to ahBin again yesterday, i mean, i get to talk to him almost everyday if work isn't that busy for him...but we had the most serious talk, we've EVER was interesting and good too...praise God for all these friends he has blessed me with, whether they are my close girl friends, my bed party/hanky panky ohio girls, silly/homo youth group boys, funny ohio boys, or my malaysian kids~ =)

this week has been easy beezy, nice and easy! lol, it's only been two days, but it's gonna be a pretty easy week, or maybe it'll pick up at the end...not that i want it to but yeah...i had no homework yesterday and i have no homework today...tomorrow's a half day, with half of the periods of nothing, because all other kids and a few "studious" seniors are taking a state math exam that i am NOT...i wanted to ditch, but i'm gonna save up my absences so i can take days off to go to Ohio and California in the spring...hehe, planning my ditches ahead...

so last summer, i learned knitting through youtube just so i could knit a gryffindor scarf...i successfully made one for my bro as most saw...and i had started one recently again for my cousin, and i'm on the 5th stripe! only 14 more to go! then after this gryffindor scarf...i must start on the Edmund scarf from Prince Caspian!!! i'm so bored...when i have a ton of hw, i'm procrastinating and doing nothing...and when i don't have hw...i'm still sitting here doing nothing...haha...i'm gonna keep knitting like a g-ma! x)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day Weekend

edit// i was emailed a few awesome pictures taken by a friend from a point and shoot camera...and it has now inspired me to go take awesome pictures with my crappy simple point and shoot camera too! people, await these awesome pictures!

i spent valentine's day with my mommy! She took me out to Sushi Yukari and we had DELCIOUS sashimi...mmmmm then she took me shopping! hahaha, we went to DSW, to try and find me some silver heels (unsuccessful), went to Kohls, got a white cardigan and an "I <3 Yoshi" graphic tee (wearing it friday to show Mark...haha)! Then we went to the mall, Dillards still has 70% off shoes, but can't find anything!!! so left shortly home and chilled for 1hr or so, then went out for mom has officially fallen in love with Chipotle, cause she got the salad version this time, and just loves how much veggie can be in it! @_@

ming's back this we had to go do the "tucson" things we went to el guero AGAIN. but i had much less food than i did last i didn't feel like i was about to die...then tracy took me home after we spent like 2secs at super quiet, no-one-got-any-drinks, playing-stupid-games, Coffee i got to spend time with my valentine! hahaha

Overall, this weekend was relaxing, ALTHOUGH, i have a rough draft essay due and a math test tomorrow that i have yet to write and study i should get started on that!

p.s. i don't believe i've said this on blogger yet, but i got into Cedarville! i'm really not that excited! but i'm gonna keep putting exclaimations marks to make it seem like i am!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


don't worry, i'm not at all "fan" right now...i'm perfectly content, i have quite a few things to post about, i'm gonna talk about it in reverse chronological i just got back from youth group and right after yg, i made an international call to my best buddy: ahBin! (aka, FANEST-EST!) oh man, had the most interesting, entertaining, catching up, messing around, 1 hr phone call...haha, i got called gay by him...yelled at each other (the non angry kind, the retarded kind), and had some "serious" talk and of course, it's never a real conversation with ahBin if we don't call each other "煩"...haha, had so much fun~

God is so awesome! so i led bible study today, on Hope In God and as i was driving to church, i started flipping out and i was gonna postpone my bible study to next week, and think of another "activity" to do instead....but right as i was turning onto church's street, i was like oh snap! my main point in my whole lesson is to courageously step out and do what we fear and to have hope in God! i was like, WOW I JUST GOT TOLD...BY GOD! so the .25mile from turning into the street till getting to church i was just like in awe of God...haha i was so happy, i don't really know/care of the turn out of my lesson because i'm just glad i learned the lesson first...=)

I asked someone to be my valentine today! during passing period between 3rd to 4th...i texted...Miss Tracy Song to be my valentine! puahahaha...i was giggling the whole time i was walking and texting, everyone thought i was retarded....and then before getting to church, i went and got her a rose...a fake one, because "just like my love, it will never die!" (1 of the 20 things guys should never say on valentine's day) it was pretty entertaining...i was gonna be all stupid "romantic"and take the rose to her while everyone was there...but i thought it was too embarassing that i told her to go to the parking lot, i blasted my iPod from my car playing Kiss Goodbye by Wang Lee Hom, because it's both of our ringtones for each other...and handed her the rose...naturally, we both started cracking up...she has quite a few pictures of us with the rose, it'll be on facebook soon enough...

Alright, that's it, i'm pretty sure...i can't wait to go buy all the on sale valentine's candy! hahaha!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


edit// (because tracy's comment reminded me of this, i decided to reupdate) i applied to all private christian colleges, so they all cost a i'm technically kinda waiting to see which school offers me the most money...but money is the least of my worries because through past experiences i know fasho He will prepare....x) How awesome is it to have the Big Guy prepare and plan out everything perfectly for me? too awesome.

so after my very complainy day...because i didn't get a lot of sleep, a snow day didn't happen like everyone had hoped for, i didn't eat breakfast (not that i usually have time for it, but i usually have something small), it was super cold (but i really enjoyed it, so i wasn't complaining about that), i was hungry, even after lunch, and the worst of all is, having to work after school...i usually don't mind working because i get money and i like having my own money so i can my spend my own money...but because of all the things i had been complaining about, work was just a big fat poop ontop of a poopy day...HOWEVER, (i am not just posting a complainy, ranty, blog post) during work, today, i decided to keep my phone with me instead of leaving it in the drawer, i suddenly get a call, and it's from this super weird number, so i'm all confused, (and usually i would just not pick up, since i'm at work and it's random number) but i decided to pick up was my acceptance call from Calvin College!!! i was super excited~ i sent in all my stuff, except my application, last october, but because i had originally given up on this school, it took me forever to send in my application...and by forever i mean, i sent it in two weeks ago...but after being put on the waiting list for Wheaton, my dream school, i bumped Calvin up to first, so getting accepted was just AWESOME stuff!!! Praise Jeebus! He is so good to me =) I finished applying to Concordia Irvine and Azusa Pacific, so we'll see where God leads me! it's either the midwest or the west!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

An Arizohioan Weekend

So Shing arrived in Tucson, Arizona on Friday! before youth group i took him to Eegee's - got some Eegee's and chili cheese fries - since it is an ONLY Tucson thing; although, it might not have been that big of a deal to him, but it's one thing everyone loves in Tucson as misses greatly when they leave! Then we went to YG, which was interesting, haha, he lead and indeed his workshop from retreat was spiffed up and redone. Good job. Afterwards we went to Wingstop for MORE food...then finally home. Saturday, i slept till 1 (could've slept longer...but mom woke me up to make sure Shing could get in after his interview...) i cleaned up and then took Shing to In-n-Out to meet with Tracy and Yixuan...we went to eat our delicious burgers at Reid Park, then went to the mall for 20min, each (except yixuan) got a Jamba Juice, then went to church to take care of kids (AHHHH!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE ANTHONY AND ANITA!!!!!! more on that later) then they went out and got Chipotle for me, and them 3 came to my place to Guitar Hero while i stayed and took care of kids...then i got home, guitar hero-ed a bit with them, Tracy left, we watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona...interesting movie...not awesome, not horrible...ehhhh...then sunday, church, went to El Guero Canero(?) then Tucson Mall, then home, then New China, then home....

This weekend was just filled with food, food, food, and more food...Tucson is just so boring that there really isn't we just tried to take him to restaurants that Ohio didn't gained about 50lbs this weekend and spent about $5000...hahahaha...jaaayyykkaaayyy...but seriously, ate SO was fun tho, although, i much prefer the other Chow or other girls than Shing...

That's pretty much it, surprisingly, i didn't take that many pictures, maybe cause he isn't that important, so whatever little pictures i have will be up on Facebook sometime this week x)

Thursday, February 05, 2009

You're Jealous Because...

...I HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COUSIN EVER! My favorite, most beautiful, smart, hilarious, beautiful, wonderful, amazing, beautiful, cousin turned 24 today! TWO DOZENS! haha, oh wait, did i mention she was beautiful? I was lucky enough to spend EVERYDAY with her from last January to August and we did the most amazing things going to Eegee's every time we go out, going to Sonic at 1030pm when she picks me up from church and "want half?" on TWO XL Coney' in we each get one...hahaha...there's really not much to say but I miss her a lot a lot...and...
here's to prove to you how beautiful her and i are:
you think doing the "Chinese Family" photo is hard? try doing it on Photobooth.
don't be jealous...WHAT?!
Yeah, really, we're the most beautiful...and when put together, we're undefeatable...x)
I MISS YOU! I LOVE YOU! HAPPY 24th WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY! God bless you on this day!

p.s. it was freaking hard trying to take those photobooth pictures, as you can tell, it was night everyone was asleep, and we were wearing our aunt's gianormus sleepwear....we had to restrain from laughing out loud...oh man, great times....

oh yeah, happy 5th birthday, Facebook!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Your Grace is Enough

Your Grace Is Enough came on through my shuffle play today, and even though i'm quite sick of Chris Tomlin now, i still finished listening to the song and was very happy. x)

i just played piano for about 15min and decided to come write this blog post (i will continue to play after this tho) because i realized how much i sucked...not even kidding, i'm TERRIBLE, especially having stopped lessons in so long (my piano teacher died, i didn't, that was for you xiao qi jie) and i wasn't even great when i my skills only went down hill...i took out my piano books, instead of playing my usual random sheet music of Jay Chou/Wang Lee Hom/Worship songs, and tried playing my old songs, i could barely play any of them! Not even the ones were i was super good at, at that time...but i was talking to my mom a few weeks ago about this...
mom: you have the spiritual gift of playing piano
me: ma, i really don't think i do
mom: yes you do, you know how i know? because me and your dad didn't give you ANY musical talents, but you are able to play piano now, that's definitely from God, so it's a spiritual gift, but definitely not a talent
i thought that was interesting...cause i have no talent, but it's definitely a blessing from God that i have been able to play for worship and so many mission trips! and if it weren't for the serving, i would never touch the piano...haha

"And He has said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me." (2 Corinthians 12:9) -- Favorite verse (it's even the first quote on my Facebook, and if it's on Facebook, it means something =P)

So, i'm not afraid to say...i suck a lot a lot...but that's ok! cause that means God gets to teach me piano! x)

p.s. my brother learned piano till 6th grade and in 2005 when he was going after this girl he had me teach him piano so he could play 龍捲風 by Jay mom was very entertained by both of us sitting on the piano bench and me telling what/how to play...haha

Monday, February 02, 2009

First Post of Feb

holy poops, already February! so i officially love anthony and anita (not in a pedophilic way)!!
Anthony has been a little brat because he's spoiled because he's the boy of the family, but lately, after coming to church more, getting used the surrounding and knowing us more. He is SO adorable!!! I'm teaching sunday school this month, so as i was walking out i was like "Anthony, 走, 去上课了!" He runs over, grabs my hand, and says "上课了!" waaaaahhh! SO CUTE! and my mom told me, during dinner on friday night, suddenly while eating his rice, he looks up and asks his dad "娇娇姐姐呢?" and his dad says i'm "with the big kids" and he says "oh..." and continues eating...ahhh! i can't believe 1) he can actually say all four words of my name now 2) he knows exactly who i am 3) he asked for me!
And then Anita, who has ALWAYS been adorable, but always shy and doesn't smile....lately, is the cutest thing in the whole wide world! She laughs now! As i walked out of sunday school yesterday, she was outside getting fed by her aunt...and i see her and i'm like "ANITA!" she then, runs over with her hands reaching out, i lift her up and she starts giggling!!! wow, it was just TOO CUTE! and that happened twice yesterday, it made my day!

Soi don't know how this happened, but i slept at 3 last night!!! i got my bro's rec letter for yixuan at 1, and i was gonna go to bed right away, then i had no clue how this happened but it was suddenly 2 and i went to go shower (i know! CRAZY LATE!) then i flipped around my bed for like was so dumb, but i didn't fall asleep in gov...and got home and took a 2 hour nap...x)

Before actually writing this post, i had stuff to post about, but i am currently watching How I Met Your Mother...and it deserves my full and complete attention! wahahaha...

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Stacy's Mom

Whee! went to inaugural ball today and it was alright...haha i don't have super close friends at school and at school i'm the quiet girl (and everyone out side of school knows i'm definitely NOT a quiet girl...hahaha) so i'm like just chilling...also, i don't dance. so it wasn't every interesting...although my friend did drag me onto the dancefloor three i...err...danced? not really...hahaha...but then finally at like 10pm i was like "i'm leaving..." then suddenly...Stacy's Mom starts playing...i was like "OMG I HAVE TO STAY!" wahahaha....i never really liked the song, but because of mine and Yixuan's creation of Winston Yu (a song in the tune of Stacy's Mom dedicated to Winston) i had to stay...i don't know what's up with our youth group and Stacy's Mom....but i definitely blame the twins for that...hahaha....i left after that song and it made my night and made inaugural pretty fun...=P (it's cause i'm super lame and didn't know any of the songs that played except for that...haha)

I watched The Duchess last reminded me of The Other Boleyn Girl...i think those people are crazy...why do they want a son so bad?! crazy people.

i finished TWO college applications and TWO scholarship applications this week...i have been such a good girl...i should reward myself with something...i should go watch a movie with the girls tomorrow! hahahaha...eek! it's so late!

p.s. errr, i published it, and i looked at the time stamp and it's an hr later than my time here, so i checked my settings and everything's right...i think blogger is just crazy.