so if you guys have seen the desserts that Jennifer Duann has posted on her facebook, you would've seen a lot of amazing looking desserts...and the one as the album cover...seems to always be on my "photo page" so i always see them
BAH! i don't know why this picture is sideways! i didn't have to "rotate" it cause it was already the right way, and when i view it it's fine, but when i upload it, it's rotated....

chocolate cake, Godiva dark chocolate coating, and crushed peanut powder! it was so delicious, and i'm not "praising" myself for making such an amazing dessert, i'm praising whoever came up with this...hahaha

i made about 40 of these...mmmm...haha, so i'm not super skilled in cooking, because my mom is, and so it usually ends up in me getting yelled at, haha, but i've learned to make a few things lately (just so i'll be able to survive in college) but i'm usually way better at making desserts...and i ENJOY making desserts too!!! my future husband, is gonna become a fatty mcfatfat and my kids...well, i won't allow my kids to eat any...or i'll just continue making it for church, and get everyone at church fat, and keep my family skinny...hahaha...i'm gonna keep making these cake balls, and try different flavors/coatings...await these fatty foods! x)
I GOT AN A ON MY BIO TEST!!! there were only 3 people that got an A and i was one of them! and the other two were the class's smartest kids that ALWAYS get A's....i was super duper pooper scooper happy! i told mr. woon, "i got an A!" "wow really? what happened?!" "i actually studied!" "you see jocelyn? if you would just give me 10min a day, just 10min, you would be a bio genius" hehe...i guess i'm not that dumb afterall!
p.s. i got $2000 from Calvin for being smart and $3000 for being "multicultural" yesterday! praise Jesus!
I GOT AN A ON MY BIO TEST!!! there were only 3 people that got an A and i was one of them! and the other two were the class's smartest kids that ALWAYS get A's....i was super duper pooper scooper happy! i told mr. woon, "i got an A!" "wow really? what happened?!" "i actually studied!" "you see jocelyn? if you would just give me 10min a day, just 10min, you would be a bio genius" hehe...i guess i'm not that dumb afterall!
p.s. i got $2000 from Calvin for being smart and $3000 for being "multicultural" yesterday! praise Jesus!
omg...cake good...
praise Jesus! =)
DANG YO! A???? I don't even know if I got A's in bio!! GOODJOB! ^o^b
mr woon is the best. hahahha
I am proud of you!! (And pleased as punch to google my name and have this page come up, haha!) Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've shortened the lifespans of everyone in my fellowship by a few months at least. -_-;
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