Eye Doctor Appointment Update: i have to stop wearing contacts for at least two weeks...till my next appointment, got 2 pairs of new glasses (my mommy cannot get over them, she's excited every time i wear them...hahaha), was prescribed steroid eye drops called "FML" - 3 times a day for 5 days, and 2 times a day for 5 days...and so bernard asks me "did you fml today?" hahaha. the eye drops are crazy tho, the moment i drop them in my eyes, i suddenly have like nearly perfect vision, which is stupid, because it makes my new glasses completely blurry...
Weekend Update: I slept a lot, that's for sure...haha...i slept till 130pm on friday and 230pm on saturday...i didn't do anything for senior ditch day since i woke up so late, so pretty much just pooped around and then got ready for church...and i didn't even go anywhere yesterday, but today i went shopping with my mommy! i didn't get anything tho, she got so much stuff! i think this is the first time she gets more stuff than i do...i found clothes at AE that i wanted, but not the price i wanted...so i'm gonna keep waiting...other than that...that's it!
i have not yet decided on a college...i have not showed any sign of worry, anxiety, or anything...God's prepared my schooling since the beginning (so many testimonies) so i know He'll continue to provide and be in control, but this is the last week, where i must make a final decision, i still don't know! i have almost a full ride to Calvin, but Azusa and Conordia's programs are pretty darn awesome (plus it's in cali)...location's not a big thing to me, but cali is closer to home...aiiii, i don't know, pray pray pray!
so this coming week is my last full week of high school...haha i haven't gone to school for a whole week in quite a while...
week of 3/16: was gone thurs/fri for cali trip
week of 3/23: was gone mon because was sick from cali trip
week of 3/30: hey! was actually at school for the whole week
week of 4/6: was gone thurs/fri for spring break
week of 4/13: was gone mon for spring break
week of 4/20: was gone wed for dr's appt and gone fri for senior ditch day...
coming week of 4/27: will try (and will force self to be, because i need to save my last few absences) to be at school for the whole week
coming week of 5/4: will be gone tues for stats AP
coming week of 5/11: will be gone mon for bio AP
coming week of 5/18: LAST WEEK OF HIGH SCHOOL! will probably not be there all week...haha
FMl....lol nice
lol we both have "the end" posts... XD what'd you see at AE that you liked?
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