edit// I LOVE MY PARENTS!!! hahaha, i got their GIANT package of food today!!! i could not stop laughing...at one point at unpacking, i had to stop just so i could laugh...my mom packed EVERYTHING!!! i'm SO happy! =D YAY YAY YAY!!!//
-i did my own laundry for the first time ever last night! i'm real proud of myself no matter what others have been saying on my facebook status!
-i took my first exam of the semester today! i actually just got back from it about 30min ago...this blog post was actually postponed because of this test! (look, i'm even straightening out my priorities!)
-yesterday marks first month away from tucson! so this post was supposed to happen yesterday to make it more exciting...haha oh well.
-today was also the first day i wore long sleeves (hahaha, i just wanted another "first")
i was told that my "friday: blah blah, saturday: blah blah..." was mundane, BUT i'm still gonna do it...hahaha
nothing exciting happened during the week except that on wednesday night i got to webcam with anita (thanks again, tracy~) and that made me SO happy, her laughs, her smile, her fat chubby face...TOO cute. i love that little cutie pie~ other than that, it was a typical school week...
friday: typical, yaf was interesting...our group pwned. =D then there was worship practice afterwards, oh boy! i love the feeling of just "jamming" even tho we were practicing...cause even tho i get to practice in our basement almost everyday, it's different with others and going all out, fun stuff! now all i need are the 4 other stars and that moon. ;P
saturday: woke up at 9:50, picked up by yang at around 10ish to go to church cleaning...blahblah, we barely did anything since they started at 9...then went out to lunch with the usual kids to MingTen, the only good asian restaurant here...it made me appreciate New China...hahaha, but the sushi was good, so i was still satisfied...then i came home, watched season 9 of friends AND studied psychology, haven't studied on a saturday since freshmen year of highschool...i'm in the "freshmen mode" again...hahaha
sunday: typical church, nothing exciting or i can't think of anything...soooo...yep, i did enjoy our worship tho...haha, Light of the World in chinese...bahaha, i can't think of that song without hearing it in chinese now...One Way's like that for me too...two english songs that have officially "translated" in my brain and can't be "translated" back...=/
This is 4th week of school!!! i'm quite surprised, haha it's also super exciting because it means winter break is coming up, which means home!!! eep! excite excite! and before that, thanksgiving break in ohio!!! yay!!! =D God is good!
hahaha my pleasure! so a-proud of you doing your own laudnry too! you ahve any miscolored shirts? =P
"Still" is a permanently translated song for me, thanks to your bro.
I am honored to be listed in your blogroll as Jennifer the Baker :D Except right now I am more like Jennifer the supremely stressed grad student who should have just become a cake decorator...
I was pretty surprised that your mum did that! Haha glad that you're getting used to it there!
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