p.s. i'm still waiting on $4000 from Calvin or else my tuition's gonna be $6000, so pray pray pray!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
New Celebrity Crushes
this past week was just work and work and work...but on thursday, yixuan, tracy, and i decided to go get el guero after work, i like spending time with my girls~ (at least those who are here and are usually willing to chill =P) youth group on friday was cool, haha i did not expect so many people, but praise God these kids are still willing to come! after yg, yixuan, tony, and i puzzle fighted till 2am then on saturday, there was on practice so yixuan, tracy, jerry (since he missed out the first time), and i went to go see STAR TREK again!!! AH! I CANNOT GET OVER THAT MOVIE!!! the first time was SO amazing, but the 2nd time made it even more awesome! and i'm over James Mcavoy (cause there hasn't been any new movies with him in it...) and so so so in like with Zachary
Quinto/Chris Pine! (not the best picture of them, but i wanted to use one where both of them were in it, so that i didn't have to post 2...) i also watched the rerun of SNL last night cause there was nothing on, and it happen to be the episode where they appeared! i was so happy! hahaha then after the movie i came home and napped, then we went to the Lu's...ANDREI IS BACK FROM THE HOSPITAL!!! OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD! he's still pretty sick, but well enough to be home, so keep praying for him, as his mother is a little discouraged...=/ Anyways, i finally got to see my little tadpole, Anita after 2-3 weeks of not seeing her, and as she is more comfortable being at home, she's much more outgoing, gave me so many hugs <3 then we left and went and got El Guero AGAIN, then went to church cause the phoenix church arrived...then today, the phoenix church led worship/choir presentation, which was pretty good, the little boy was ADORABLE! (marry Anita, please =P) but after church, the Lu's and Lim's seemed to stay for a very long time so yixuan and i played with the Lu kids for quite a while, Anita is SO adorable! i wish she would stay this small and cute...hahaha...soooo, nothing exciting has happened, but it's not boring either, so it's good. =)
p.s. i'm still waiting on $4000 from Calvin or else my tuition's gonna be $6000, so pray pray pray!
p.s. i'm still waiting on $4000 from Calvin or else my tuition's gonna be $6000, so pray pray pray!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Life As A Graduate
I had an awesome weekend with my other half, it was our 兩人世界 time! we had a power weekend! hahaha
Sat: short practice, went to mall to go get $1 flip flops from Old Navy, but the line was so long that yixuan and i decided not to wait and went home to eat Beef Curry (oh so delicious) then we went out again to take family portraits/graduation pictures and i took 3 pics with my other half too! (it's from the website, so there are watermarks...)
The Whole Family
The Parents
The Other Half (we're not holding hands...hahaha)
Sat: short practice, went to mall to go get $1 flip flops from Old Navy, but the line was so long that yixuan and i decided not to wait and went home to eat Beef Curry (oh so delicious) then we went out again to take family portraits/graduation pictures and i took 3 pics with my other half too! (it's from the website, so there are watermarks...)
There's a lot more pictures, but these are the more favored ones...anyways, after taking pictures, yixuan and i shopped for about 4 hrs...she had a 大收穫! I got a shirt from Hollister and then we came home and ate dinner and pooped around...
Sun: church, guh preached in chinese, it was my first time hearing it, excluding the recordings i heard on 4C's website...it was pretty awesome, he's improving, i'm proud of him! then sunday school, lunch, went back to mall to order more prints, then came home and took a nap, then bbq! haven't had guh's bbq in the longest time! so delicious!!! then after bbq we went back to sau guh's house and had a puzzle fighter tournament! supah fun! and yixuan converted! =D
Mon: went to phx for lunch...literally...we got there, ate lunch, went to the hospital to visit Andrei and then shopped at Leelee's and came home! it wasn't very exciting, but adorable Andrei's getting A LOT better and is absolutely adorable! praise God! BUT i begin work tomorrow...and i'm sad because i have to work at the office...i hate working at the office because i have to drive so freakin far, and i got my task list today and i don't understand what i'm supposed to do at all!!! boo. i wanna work at the restaurant. =/
Sun: church, guh preached in chinese, it was my first time hearing it, excluding the recordings i heard on 4C's website...it was pretty awesome, he's improving, i'm proud of him! then sunday school, lunch, went back to mall to order more prints, then came home and took a nap, then bbq! haven't had guh's bbq in the longest time! so delicious!!! then after bbq we went back to sau guh's house and had a puzzle fighter tournament! supah fun! and yixuan converted! =D
Mon: went to phx for lunch...literally...we got there, ate lunch, went to the hospital to visit Andrei and then shopped at Leelee's and came home! it wasn't very exciting, but adorable Andrei's getting A LOT better and is absolutely adorable! praise God! BUT i begin work tomorrow...and i'm sad because i have to work at the office...i hate working at the office because i have to drive so freakin far, and i got my task list today and i don't understand what i'm supposed to do at all!!! boo. i wanna work at the restaurant. =/
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Beginning
the ending of high school and the beginning of summer!
wed: graduation was ok...haha it was pretty boring actually, but the whole mood of being at graduation is fun! can't wait to graduate again...? i'm glad my brother, cousin, and tracy got to attend (parents are a given, so not mentioning...) so hooray, i'm officially done with my diploma; therefore, i don't care if they pass my absecnes appeal or not...cause they can't take it back! (and as ahbin would say: neh ne neh ne bu bu! =P)
haha i literally ONLY took pictures with them...cause had to leave pretty quickly after graduation to go eat, because both brother and cousin were starving...went to el guero to eat delicious fatty food, went to church for 餐館團契...so yep, my after grad party which pretty much SUPER awesome...hahaha nope, not complaining.
thurs: went to phoenix at around 930am, got there and had lunch with dad's side of the family...we were never too close to them, so i didn't talk at all unless they asked me a question in which i had to answer...after lunch got a "haircut" i wanted it to be a "thinning" cut but she said if it was that then i shouldn't pay for it, so she cut a bit more trying to not shorten it...then went to mall where i shopped around and couldn't find anything, but then went into abercrombie and fitch and found some crazy cheap stuff!!! i got a sweater that was originally $70 that was on sale for $9.90!!! so happy! then a dress shirt for $15.50 that was also originally $70...was so satisfied that i decided to not try and get anything from AE...haha
fri: came home after lunch, pooped around, went to church, came home, played puzzle fighter with cousin...sorry i meant, kicked cousin's butt at puzzle fighter...then i'm here writing this...
tomorrow family's gonna go get a family protrait taken...haha i'm rather excited~ although, not completely satisfied with the new "haircut"...so i'm not quite sure how the pictures will turn out...oh, who am i kidding? it'll never turn out ugly! haaaa! =P yeaa, this is it, i begin working again next week! boo!
p.s. a quick update on Andrei, he's now in a hospital in phoenix with a specialist, they performed another surgery on him today that put a thingy in his stomach to control his appetite...=/ keep on praying!
thurs: went to phoenix at around 930am, got there and had lunch with dad's side of the family...we were never too close to them, so i didn't talk at all unless they asked me a question in which i had to answer...after lunch got a "haircut" i wanted it to be a "thinning" cut but she said if it was that then i shouldn't pay for it, so she cut a bit more trying to not shorten it...then went to mall where i shopped around and couldn't find anything, but then went into abercrombie and fitch and found some crazy cheap stuff!!! i got a sweater that was originally $70 that was on sale for $9.90!!! so happy! then a dress shirt for $15.50 that was also originally $70...was so satisfied that i decided to not try and get anything from AE...haha
fri: came home after lunch, pooped around, went to church, came home, played puzzle fighter with cousin...sorry i meant, kicked cousin's butt at puzzle fighter...then i'm here writing this...
tomorrow family's gonna go get a family protrait taken...haha i'm rather excited~ although, not completely satisfied with the new "haircut"...so i'm not quite sure how the pictures will turn out...oh, who am i kidding? it'll never turn out ugly! haaaa! =P yeaa, this is it, i begin working again next week! boo!
p.s. a quick update on Andrei, he's now in a hospital in phoenix with a specialist, they performed another surgery on him today that put a thingy in his stomach to control his appetite...=/ keep on praying!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

GRADUATION TOMORROW! whoo hoo! i'm not sad at all...hahaha all the school kids are all getting depressed and crying, but i'm super excited! but when it comes time to leave my yg kids, oh no. T.t
Monday, May 18, 2009
2 More Days
edit// 1 day till How I Met Your Mother season finale!!! and yes, it's VERY important.
2 more days till the last day of high school! but more importantly, 2 more days till guh comes home! and 3 more days till graduation! 4 more days till phoenix! 7 more days till california! then it's WORK time!
man time flies, each year of high school went by quicker...i think the only time that i want time to slow down a bit is this summer...haha 1) i don't wanna leave home 2) i don't wanna leave the people (ok, that's a lie =P) 3) i don't wanna cook for myself...
Anyways, friday night was Senior Night at Italia, i literally called every restaurant in tucson to get a place for us...finally got Italia, which was actually pretty nice AND we got a private room even though they told me we couldn't, so praise God!
how are my girls so pretty?
2 more days till the last day of high school! but more importantly, 2 more days till guh comes home! and 3 more days till graduation! 4 more days till phoenix! 7 more days till california! then it's WORK time!
man time flies, each year of high school went by quicker...i think the only time that i want time to slow down a bit is this summer...haha 1) i don't wanna leave home 2) i don't wanna leave the people (ok, that's a lie =P) 3) i don't wanna cook for myself...
Anyways, friday night was Senior Night at Italia, i literally called every restaurant in tucson to get a place for us...finally got Italia, which was actually pretty nice AND we got a private room even though they told me we couldn't, so praise God!
after dinner, came to my house and gamed and chilled and had fun, haha, the whole gaming thing reminded me of Ohio when we were all gaming at my brother's house, hahaha...
saturday was dinner of the Ongs! hahaha, had dinner with Uncle Ong's (pronounced as "ang-kuh oh-ng" for the singlish affect) family at olive garden, i love his daughters! such cutie pies! and not once did they mess around at the restaurant, such good kids, i want my kids to be like them~
sunday was good, chilled with sau guh for a little bit, and it's been a while and it's always fun...haha
update on Andrei: he's fine now, still in the hospital, but daniel shu shu said he's gonna check out before wednesday, susan ahyi is now worried that this sickness might affect his brain and make him slow...=/ so please continue to pray for him...
saturday was dinner of the Ongs! hahaha, had dinner with Uncle Ong's (pronounced as "ang-kuh oh-ng" for the singlish affect) family at olive garden, i love his daughters! such cutie pies! and not once did they mess around at the restaurant, such good kids, i want my kids to be like them~
sunday was good, chilled with sau guh for a little bit, and it's been a while and it's always fun...haha
update on Andrei: he's fine now, still in the hospital, but daniel shu shu said he's gonna check out before wednesday, susan ahyi is now worried that this sickness might affect his brain and make him slow...=/ so please continue to pray for him...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
About Time
I think it's about time i've had a new post...nothing has really happened lately so that's why there's been a lack of updated...so Monday was supposed to be my Bio AP, but i totally backed out of it, because i don't need it for college...haha but then i just didn't go to school since i'm already marked for "school business"...so i slept till 2:40pm, yea, i'm pretty much THAT amazing. So this week is such a waste, i don't have APs anymore, therefore all AP classes are done, that's 4 of my 5 classes...so i just go to school and sit there and text or play on my macbook, but there's no wifi so i can't do anything more fun like omgpop or beat bwen/joshyen's tetris scores on facebook...lol
Andrei: we literally visit him everyday and i take pictures everyday, but i'm getting lazy of uploading them...he's such a cutie pie, but too bad i'm leaving soon and he won't even know who i am! sad. but he's getting better! and the doctors are stupid! haha so we'll just keep praying that God heals and we won't rely on those useless doctors...
this was really weird, on the way home from visiting Andrei tonight, my parents and i started talking about our 4 years in the dorms of Singapore Bible College, and man, the life was probably the worst we've ever had to live through, but it was so much fun and we laughed at so much stuff...like we had this floormate who was Indian that literally (i'm not even exaggerating this time) cooked some type of gooey brown thing that smelled SO bad, it was like baked poo (I'M NOT KIDDING) and there were so many other things that really brought the family together...so then my mom was like, hm, we should all go back and study again, afterall, we want your brother to get another degree, your dad and i are still studying now, and you're about to go to college, we might as well go back as a family again! puahahahaha...that would be...i dunno, no word would really fit...haha
Andrei: we literally visit him everyday and i take pictures everyday, but i'm getting lazy of uploading them...he's such a cutie pie, but too bad i'm leaving soon and he won't even know who i am! sad. but he's getting better! and the doctors are stupid! haha so we'll just keep praying that God heals and we won't rely on those useless doctors...
this was really weird, on the way home from visiting Andrei tonight, my parents and i started talking about our 4 years in the dorms of Singapore Bible College, and man, the life was probably the worst we've ever had to live through, but it was so much fun and we laughed at so much stuff...like we had this floormate who was Indian that literally (i'm not even exaggerating this time) cooked some type of gooey brown thing that smelled SO bad, it was like baked poo (I'M NOT KIDDING) and there were so many other things that really brought the family together...so then my mom was like, hm, we should all go back and study again, afterall, we want your brother to get another degree, your dad and i are still studying now, and you're about to go to college, we might as well go back as a family again! puahahahaha...that would be...i dunno, no word would really fit...haha
Friday, May 08, 2009
Sick Babies
edit// my mom was making me research some stuff near Calvin, and there's a Kohls <1mi away, a mall <2mi away, and a Costco <3mi away! haha i love it! those are the only 3 places i need! hopefully there'll be a few good restaurants around too =P
lol, that's my favorite picture of him from all week cause 1) all the crap is off his face! 2) his eyes are open! 3) he's so pissed off that i would even dare take a picture of him...hahaha
so Andrei's been doing much much better! praise God! he's been brave going through all this too! but his liver is still swollen and the doctors don't know why, so keep him in your prayers!
so yesterday morning my parents took a couple to look at houses, and there was this random bird that kept following my mom so my mom decided to take it home, and it even let my mom do that! so i woke up from my nap and there was a random bird in our old hamster cage...
then we gave it to Pat ahyi/uncle John cause they know how to take care of birds, and i'm scared of birds...but apparently the bird is a little baby love bird that hasn't eaten in days...so died today...haha
so Andrei's been doing much much better! praise God! he's been brave going through all this too! but his liver is still swollen and the doctors don't know why, so keep him in your prayers!
so yesterday morning my parents took a couple to look at houses, and there was this random bird that kept following my mom so my mom decided to take it home, and it even let my mom do that! so i woke up from my nap and there was a random bird in our old hamster cage...
10 More Days Till Graduation!!!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Praise God Almighty!
Praise God! Andrei is getting better without the help of the doctors! we still dunno what is/was wrong with him, but he's recovering!!! they took the sleeping meds off today, tubes/machinery go off tomorrow, and out of the ICU! yay! when we were at the hospital today, he was semi-awake, he was so adorable, wiggling his tiny fingers and toes, and getting angry at the nurse for messing cleaning his mouth...hahaha, so it's good! God is good! when we got to the hospital, Daniel shushu was standing at the door smiling, and immediately we knew that was a good sign~ Praise Jesus!
whee! as of yesterday, i've had a new, beautiful, lovely, 2.4 MacBook! it's awesome, can't stay away from it...hahaha...i'm trying to think of a name for it, suggestions? anyways, this macbook does more than be amazing, apparently, it has some kind of defense mechanism to fight against the previously mentioned "disser"...hahaha quite special...
tomorrow's the stat's AP, i don't really feel ready, but i don't think i'm gonna study anymore...some practice tests are SUPER easy and some are crazy hard...so i never know how good i actually am doing...oh well, at least the AP isn't in like 6 in the morning...pray for me! mmmm, that's all for now, school is winding down and temperature is heating up...=/
whee! as of yesterday, i've had a new, beautiful, lovely, 2.4 MacBook! it's awesome, can't stay away from it...hahaha...i'm trying to think of a name for it, suggestions? anyways, this macbook does more than be amazing, apparently, it has some kind of defense mechanism to fight against the previously mentioned "disser"...hahaha quite special...
tomorrow's the stat's AP, i don't really feel ready, but i don't think i'm gonna study anymore...some practice tests are SUPER easy and some are crazy hard...so i never know how good i actually am doing...oh well, at least the AP isn't in like 6 in the morning...pray for me! mmmm, that's all for now, school is winding down and temperature is heating up...=/
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Healing Hand
i just came back from seeing Andrei for the second time today...and this time i got to see the nurse do stuff on him...they poke his tiny little finger every 15min to check his blood stuff...and the nurse was messing around with the tubes around him...it was so sad, and i saw the pain in
both parents, so while my mom was praying for him, i couldn't help it and started crying again...the worst of all is, this morning they performed a spleen surgery on him, and after the surgery found out there was nothing wrong, AND THEN tonight, another doctor came and told us that the surgery was completely pointless! now Andrei has absolutely no strength to regain health from the surgery, so it's even harder to heal from whatever sickness he has right now...it's so sad, he's only 8 months old...so please please, i don't care what you're doing, just take 10secs to say a simple praying for him and the Lu family...
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Long Awaited Answer...
Now that the decision is made, LET THE CRYING BEGIN! i'm gonna be much worse than my brother was when he moved...ohhhh boy.
edit//(142am) oh yeah, forgot to mention that, Calvin's school colors are GRYFFINDOR COLORS! lol super exciting~ xP
Aside from the "happy" news...after yg today, we went to the hospital to visit Daniel shushu's 4th child, Andrei...and when we got to the hospital, i started crying, it was so sad to see such an adorable little baby being so sick and hooked up to so many machinery...and he was in so much pain! oh my goodness, thinking about it makes me wanna cry again...it's so sad...so please please please pray for the Lu family and little Andrei...T.t
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