I finally decided! i'm gonna be in Michigan starting this fall...after months, weeks, and days of applying, waiting, and deciding...
i sent in my deposit and housing application last night, while i was filling out all the forms, i was still very hesitant, but i DEFINITELY know it was the right thing and what God wants, so i obeyed. I'm happy with the choice tho, if you want to hear of the miracles and signs, i'll be glad to tell you, as it is a very good testimony, but i don't want to type the whole thing on here. Anyways, praise God for parents who were with me through all of this and continually praying for/with me and a brother i can run to for advice. Lastly, thank you all for praying for me, glad to have all of you around. =)
Now that the decision is made, LET THE CRYING BEGIN! i'm gonna be much worse than my brother was when he moved...ohhhh boy.
edit//(142am) oh yeah, forgot to mention that, Calvin's school colors are
GRYFFINDOR COLORS! lol super exciting~ xP
Aside from the "happy" news...after yg today, we went to the hospital to visit Daniel shushu's 4th child, Andrei...and when we got to the hospital, i started crying, it was so sad to see such an adorable little baby being so sick and hooked up to so many machinery...and he was in so much pain! oh my goodness, thinking about it makes me wanna cry again...it's so sad...so please please please pray for the Lu family and little Andrei...T.t
1. congrats again! when i come visit, u better swipe me in some free food via dorms
2. cry all u want, crybaby tendencies along with being ridiculously good looking both run in the family (can't deny the genes..)
3. why are their kids always sick?!!
:) glad tt you have made up your mind! God will lead His way! :D
Yay! I just looked up Calvin College in google maps, and we are 3.5 hours of a drive away from each other. That's because you have to drive around the lake, so I think I'll just swim over to visit you. Yes!
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