Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not Quite Break Yet

wow, time for an update eh? (haha, first one to agree: tracy) i've been procrastinating/post-poning my updates, cause...i dunno, just didn't feel like it...anyways, nothing EXCITING has happened lately, i survived my death week last week, but because it was so "much" that this week i'm kinda just like "break time!"'s been pretty "warm" lately, and warm means michigan warm and tucson freezing...haha, but i'm really enjoying it! the moment it's over 50, i'm like SHORT SLEEVES AND THIN HOODIE!!! i even went a little extreme and wore, it's just that exciting to me...native michiganers are saying that usually by now we should have quite some amount of snow, but it hasn't yet, they say it's global warming, i say Jesus loves me. hahaha, i mean, i'm "excited" for the snow, but i know that once it comes it won't stop, so i think the snow can wait a bit longer =P so, now that i'm down to the last month of this semester, i've been getting "lazier" in doing work, but i mapped out my 3 year plan yesterday and i know if i want to succeed, i better get my act together...sigh, but thanks to yixuan's netflix pass, i've been watching so many feels like summer again...(without the heat...) i'm done.

p.s. parents came home yesterday, when my caller ID said "mama" i was overjoyed, i'm so glad she's back. =D

1 comment:

tracers said...

about time woman!! lol thanks for the semi-shoutout! and postponing is one word =P