Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bonding Time!

this week was my first week without all not even today! which is why i'm here blogging...haha first week in so long! but i'm probably gonna go work this week since Rudy is dying...err, yeah i'm gonna go help out, and get paid.

this weekend was fun, nothing extraordinary, but it was fun and very bonding-ful. haha.
friday: usual youth group, had like 22 people, 5 FOB guys all dressed up, and missing 4 usuals. it was cool and no hang out afterwards cause we were all seeing each other the next day.

saturday: practice, in-n-out, fall clean up. poo on you kids that did not come help and good job to those that did. we took EVERYTHING out of the trailer, wiped every thing down, vacummed, it looks beautiful...haha, i'm proud of us. then it was the youth group bbq at the Su's in Africa. didn't do much, jumped in and out of the jaccuzzi, ate steak and lamb, guest house for mind games and card games, everyone went home.

wow, it really doesn't sound that exciting at all when i write it like that...haha but that's ok, that's pretty much it...i'm glad i didn't have work today, i have so much stuff to finish, but i probably won't start it till after the usual time i get off work, so it really would've made no difference...hahaha. mmm, i'm gonna go buy myself some food, since my dad doesn't want to cook for me.

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