Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Quickie

i actually don't have time for this, but procrastination is my best friend. this week/weekend was pretty chill, no hang outs, no nothing...haha because this past week i got back all the exams/papers i had two weeks ago, and all of them had very pretty grades on them, so this weekend was spent studying to keep these pretty grades...i have a psych test tomorrow, i don't feel ready, but i started studying on thursday! which is crazy cause i never start studying so early! haha, anyways, on friday i was retarded and texted yixuan instead of tracy, so the info about me going back home is no longer a secret...after keeping it a secret for 1month, my own stupidity speedy texting ruined everything! hahaha, SO, i'll be home on december 17th, 2009 around noon...YAY! SO EXCITED!!!! ONE MORE MONTH!!!! and a little more than a week till OHIO with my karen ("愛" 小姐) then two weeks after that is HOME WITH MY COUSINS/GIRLS/ANITA/HOME MADE DELCIOUSNESS!!!! oh man, so exciting! ok so before all that can happen...i needa study hard to get pretty grades which means this blog entry has come to an end.