Friday, January 16, 2009

Joys of Being a Senior

so this morning i woke up 5 min before i had to leave for i went downstairs and told my mom i'm not gonna go in till before 3rd period (since i don't have a 1st, i'd only be skipping 2nd) and she was like "yeah ok"'s pretty bad, since i drive myself this year, if we're not doing anything in school, i just drive off...i love being a senior x)

So i led bible study today, it was the most nervous i have ever been to lead/ many new people and it was the first bible study, haha...i don't know how the turn out was, i liked my lesson plan, but i don't know how i like the turn out of it @_@

thank God it's finally weekend, and a three day weekend too! we're going down to phoenix after church on sunday...and i think i'm gonna get my hair cut...i'm kinda scared, but it's time for a change...gonna go way short...not manly short tho...hahaha

this was a really random post, i just felt like writing...=/ maybe a better update at the end of this three day weekend!

1 comment:

Shingers said...

yeah...i always hate my lessons and then other ppl like my profs are like AMAZING!