Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Break #2

edit// (232am) got SO much gov stuff left to do...but i developed this nasty skill in singapore and i'm using it now, because i don't want to pull an all nighter...haha since we don't have to turn it in YET, he's only checking if we have it, i just do the beginning stuff, so he sees it and gives me credit...learned this awesome terrible skill in singapore when i had to write 10,000 pages of chinese characters, i'd just do the first few pages =P

whee, just got back from phoenix...instead of sleep, spent 2 hrs talking to tony, which was cool...i think it's the first time i've talked to him about "deep" things...hahaha, didn't know i could have a deep conversation with tony...@_@ anyways, it was cool, i spent time with my awesome aunt, went shopping for 3 hrs - got 2 shirts from AE ($9.95 and $4.95! hooray for buy one get one 50% off!), brought home the UGGs my aunt got me 2 months ago, and ate good chinese food! hahaha, so as i was walking around Chandler mall, i was wondering where A&F were, and before i turned the corner, i was like it must be RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER because i can SMELL it!!! hahaha and it was! goodness, they're perfume smell is crazy...didn't get anything from there tho...too expensive...=/ i'm excited to wear my new shirt tomorrow tho~ =P

i don't want to go back to school tomorrow...have all these hw to do tonight, sigh...but i'm actually surprised i did some in phoenix! haha...maybe i'll be like crazy Bernard and pull an all nighter...@_@ MY MOMMY COMES HOME TOMORROW!!! i'm so excited!!! picking her up right after school! yipee! gonna go make a sign later...haha

p.s. congratulations Bernard & Shing on getting baptized! =D

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